
  1. 无异于往传统街头小吃伤口上撒盐的是,上海最大的国营食品集团光明食品(BrightFood)最近收购了英国代表性早餐食品品牌维他麦(Weetabix),而且该集团正努力将西方的牛奶麦片文化引入中国。

    To add insult to injury Shanghai 's largest state-owned food group , Bright Food , recently bought the British breakfast icon Weetabix , and is working hard to introduce western shredded wheat and milk culture to China .

  2. 之后,煮了加糖和牛奶的麦片粥。

    I churned up the cornmeal porridge with milk and sugar .

  3. 酸牛奶干麦片粥的制做

    Making of sour milk dry oatmeal porridge

  4. 牛奶,麦片粥和烤面包。孩子们,快点儿。二十分钟后下楼。

    Milk , cereal and toast . Hurry up , children . Come downstairs in twenty minutes .

  5. 这就像吃牛奶泡麦片不过小熊软糖代替了麦片而伏特加代替了牛奶。

    It 's like eating cereal and milk but instead of cereal it 's gummy bears and instead of milk it 's vodka .

  6. 我早餐喝牛奶,吃麦片粥和面包。

    I have milk , cereal and bread for breakfast .

  7. 软食物,在水里或牛奶里煮麦片或其他肉、荚果等直到汤变稠。

    Soft food made by boiling oatmeal or other meal or legumes in water or milk until thick .

  8. 用低脂牛奶泡一碗麦片,撒上点蓝莓或桃片代替糖来增加甜味。

    Pour a bowl of bran flakes , douse in low-fat milk and top with blueberries or sliced peaches to sweeten without added sugar .

  9. 我以为我会想念全脂牛奶的味道,但脱脂牛奶和麦片一起食用时我就不会了。

    I thought I 'd miss the creamy taste , but in cereal I don 't.