
  • 网络Milk Powder
  1. 实验以香芋、牛奶粉、蔗糖为主要原料,采用L9(34)正交实验确定了加工工艺参数,筛选出最优组合。

    This experiment used sweet taro , milk powder solution , and sugar as the main material . The parameters of processing technique were determined and the optimal process condition was recommended by the orthogonal design L9 ( 34 ) .

  2. 小麦粉,植物油,糖,葡萄糖,牛奶粉,奶油,乳钙,盐,调味料,批准食品调化剂,维他命A和D。

    Wheat flour , vegetable oil , sugar , glucose syrup , milk powder , butter , milk calcium , salt , flavoring , permitted food conditioner and vitamins A & D.

  3. 山羊奶粉蛋白质的主要限制氨基酸是含硫氨基酸,氨基酸分(AS)和化学分(CS)分别为0.91和0.52,其氨基酸模式与牛奶粉蛋白质相近,稍优于酪蛋白,远优于大豆蛋白;

    The content of crude protein in the powdered goat 's milk is 26.01 % and the protein 's limitting amino acid is sulphur containing amino acids with the AAS and CS being 0.91 and 0.52 respectively , similar to those of cow 's milk protein .

  4. 血红蛋白的提高以配方2组最好,明显高于牛奶粉组;

    The Hb content of the rats in the groups of soybean milk powder 2 is significantly higher than groups of whole milk powder .

  5. 它们含有面粉,鸡蛋,牛奶和发酵粉。

    They contain flour , eggs , milk and baking powder .

  6. 用全脂新鲜牛奶和红茶粉进行了奶茶的试验。

    In this paper , milk tea was developed by fresh whole milk and red tea powder .

  7. 美国食品和药品局昨天在一个报告中说,他们正在检测来自中国的可能包含三聚氰铵成分的食物、牛奶和乳清粉的奶制品。

    The U.S.is testing food , milk and milk-derived products including whey powder that may contain ingredients from China , the Food and Drug Administration said in a yesterday .

  8. 但是毒奶粉制成的食物,例如炭烧咖啡、奶茶、绿抹茶奶茶、木瓜牛奶,以及布丁粉、冰淇淋粉等,都会含有三聚氰胺。

    Nonetheless , foods made from toxic milk powder , such as charcoal roasted coffee , milky tea , milky green tea , papaya milk , and pudding powder , ice-cream powder , may contain melamine .