
  1. 中国5个牛种leptin基因外显子3的多态性分析

    Polymorphic analysis of leptin exon 3 in five Chinese cattle breeds

  2. 基于线粒体全基因组信息剖分普通牛种母系结构及其ATP酶基因对泌乳性状的影响

    Dissecting the Matrilineal Components of Bos Taurus Based on Complete Mitochondrial Genome and the Correlation of SNPs in ATPase Genes with Milk Production Traits in Holstein

  3. 应用醋酸纤维薄膜和垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术对四川平武黄牛地方牛种的血红蛋白(Hb)和血清运铁蛋白(Tf)座位多态性进行了分析。

    Hematoglobin protein and serum transferin loci polymorphisms of yellow cattle in Pingwu county were analyzed with cellulose acetate film electrophoresis and vertical polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis .

  4. 不可信赖的3.widelyadv.广泛地;普遍地;到处已广泛出口的法国牛种

    a French breed of cattle that has been exported widely

  5. 不同牛种Myf-5基因部分片段的克隆测序分析

    Cloning and Sequencing of partials fragment of Myf-5 Gene of cattle

  6. 用BP26与羊种、牛种和猪种引物对菌液进行PCR扩增,用BP26和羊种引物对模拟样本和染毒动物不同时间点的血液样本进行检测。

    This PCR assay was used to detect bacteria solution with primers BP26 and three strain primers , simulative samples and inoculated mice were diagnosed with primer BP26 and strain primer Meli .

  7. 云南主要地方牛种肌肉矿物质含量测定

    Measurement of Muscles Mineral Contents of Main Cattle Breeds in Yunnan

  8. 中国部分牛种线粒体基因多态性分析及其亲缘关系研究

    Analysis the Polymorphism of Mitochondrial Gene and Study the Relationship in Chinese Cattle

  9. 分泌牛种布鲁氏菌单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞A7的悬浮培养研究

    Study on Suspension Culture of Hybridoma Cell A7 Secreting McAb of Brucella abortus

  10. 中国三个牛种遗传多样性和分子系统进化研究

    Study on Genetic Diversity and Molecular Phylogeny in Chinese Three Species of Cattle

  11. 云南主要地方牛种体尺测定

    Body Measurements of Main Native cattle Breeds in Yunnan

  12. 牛种布氏菌单克隆抗体的研究

    Research of monoclonal antibody to br . abortus

  13. 用意大利大型牛种改良我国黄牛的高杂交优势

    The High Hybrid Vigor from Crosses Between Italian Large-Size Breeds and Chinese Yellow Cattle

  14. 牛种布鲁氏菌第9生物型引起牦牛流产暴发流行的调查报告

    Investigation of Bos Grunniens Linnaeus Five Fulminant Abortion casued by Brucella Abortus Biotype 9

  15. 云南主要地方牛种肉质特性研究

    Meat Features of Main Cattle Breeds in Yunnan

  16. 云南主要地方牛种横纹肌组织形态学研究

    Studies on the Histologic Structure and Characteristics of Striated Muscle in Yunnan Native Cattle

  17. 本文扼要回顾了日本牛种资源的发展历史;

    In this paper , the evolution history of cattle breed resources in Japan was reviewed .

  18. 5个牛种肌肉蛋白质含量均高于19%,脂肪含量均低于1.40%。

    The muscles protein contents of them are 19 % higher and the fat contents are less 1.40 % .

  19. 除了个别牛种共享少数序列以外,其余的单倍型序列都是各牛种所特有的类型。

    Except few shared sequence between few bovine species , the rest haplotypes were specific types of different bovine species .

  20. 结果表明:两个品种在放牧条件下均具有较好的产肉性能和良好的肉质,是优良的地方牛种。

    The results Suggested that WF and YZ have better beef performance under the south grazing conditions and be valuable native cattle breeds .

  21. 采用组织学、电镜方法对云南主要地方牛种大额牛、云南瘤牛、中甸牦牛、迪庆黄牛和中甸犏牛的肌纤维特性作了系统研究。

    The muscle ′ s mineral contents of Zhongdian yak , Gayal , Zebu , Diqing yellow cattle and Zhongdian cattle yak have been measured .

  22. 研究结果为以后进一步开展牦牛新基因的发现、功能基因表达调控研究、蛋白质结构和功能的预测以、与其他牛种的比较基因组举研究以及牦牛分子标记育种等工作.提供了理论基础。

    The data will give some suggestions in the research on finding new gene , gene expression , forecasting the protein function and structure , and the comparative Genome research with other bos sapiens .

  23. 牦牛是中国的主要牛种之一,它具有很强的抗逆性、肉质好、用途广泛等优点,是青藏高原高寒牧区人民赖以生存的生产、生活资料。

    Yak is one of main cattle breeds . It has strong tolerance to the inclement environment , good meat quality , widely use , and it is the important productive material and means of subsistence .

  24. 通过应用~3H&TdR释放法检测了羊、牛两种布鲁氏菌感染后C(57)BL小鼠的NK细胞活性。

    The NK cell activity in C_ ( 67 ) BL inbred mice infected with Brucellae was studied by using ~ 3H-TdR release as-say .

  25. 分别以不同浓度的去乙酰化酶抑制剂valproicacid(VPA)对普氏原羚-牛异种重构胚处理不同时间,观察克隆胚胎的发育。

    In this study , five experiments were designed to examine the developmental potential of interspecific gazelle-cattle reconstructed embryos . ( 1 ) The gazelle-bovine reconstructed embryos were treated with a deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid ( VPA ) for different time and at different concentrations .

  26. 重庆市牛良种繁育体系建设项目调查报告

    An investigation report of breeding system of fine breed cattle in Chongqing

  27. 中国西门塔尔牛育种效果分析

    Analysis of Breeding Effect of Chinese Simmental Using Open Nucleus Breeding System

  28. 牛3种体细胞体外培养研究

    Studies on in Vitro Culture of There Kinds of Bovine Somatic Cells

  29. 他们在牛仔的赶牛沿线种有庄稼

    They 'd plant the crop next to the trail .

  30. 群体生存力分析在大额牛保种中的应用研究

    Study on Conservation of Mithun with Population Viability Analysis