
  • 网络fondue;fondu;Cheese Fondue
  1. 自制披萨,芝士火锅,分子烹饪,诸如此类。

    The homemade pizza , fondue , molecular gastronomy .

  2. 标签上写着,这款利口酒“在芝士火锅后享用非常宜人”,但是在吃过芝士火锅后还有什么东西会不受人喜爱呢?

    The liqueur is ' very welcome after a fondue , ' the label says , but what isn 't welcome after a fondue ? '

  3. 但是,我很钦佩他们。享受着鸡尾酒、法国面包、手指饼干、芝士火锅等美食,他们中许多人依然保持苗条身材。而美国人虽努力减肥,却暴饮无糖饮料、暴食精益美食。

    But certainly I admired how so many of them stayed trim while enjoying coq au vin , baguettes , andouillettes , eclairs and fondue while Americans struggled with their weight while gorging on diet soda and Lean Cuisines .

  4. 或许你有很多种理由想燃烧芝士,当然我们并不是在讲芝士火锅或是希腊奶酪。

    Of course , there are reasons you might want to set cheese on fire , and we 're not talking about fondues or saganakis .