
jī tánɡ
  • muscle sugar
  1. 低氧高强度训练下大鼠骨骼肌糖酵解酶活性和HIF-1α表达的变化

    Effect of Intense Hypoxia Training on Glycolysis Enzymes Activity and HIF-1 α Expression in Rat Skeletal Muscles

  2. 测定小鼠血清SOD、LA、LDH,血红蛋白,血糖和肝、肌糖原等指标。

    The target of SOD , LA , LDH , in blood serum , Hb , glucose , glycogen in liver and muscle were tested .

  3. 不同训练方式对静息骨骼肌糖酵解能力及线粒体PDK4、CPT-1基因转录的影响

    Effects of Different Training Program on Glycolysis and Metabolic Gene Transcription in Resting Muscle

  4. 10d后记录小白鼠负重游泳时间,并用试剂盒测定血尿素氮(BUN)含量、血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活力以及肝糖元、肌糖元含量等与疲劳有关的生理指标。

    After 10 days , the swimming time was determined by stopwatch , and the fatigue indexes , such as blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ), serum lactic dehydrogenase ( LDH ) and liver and muscle glycogen , were assayed respectively by reagent boxes .

  5. 肌酸补充与骨骼肌糖代谢

    Creatine Supplement and Glucose Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle

  6. 目的:探讨运动训练和营养补剂对骨骼肌糖代谢能力的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of exercise training and tonic supplementing on skeletal muscle glucose transport capacity in rats .

  7. 本文试对大强度长时间的运动中饮食,肌糖元与耐力运动成绩之间的关系进行综述和探讨。

    Tins is a summary and inquire in relation to diet , muscle glycogen , and endurance performance for prolonged exercise at highintersity .

  8. 一些能量饮料中含有许多成份,称为“能量混合物”。牛磺酸,瓜拉那和肌糖都是天然物质。

    Some energy drinks contain a mixture of ingredients listed as an " energy blend . " Ingredients like taurine , guarana and inositol are natural substances .

  9. 肌酸补充后骨骼肌糖代谢能力增强,主要表现为血糖降低、骨骼肌糖原合成增强、骨骼肌葡萄糖转运蛋白4的表达上调,以及柠檬酸合酶活性升高。

    The improvement of glucose metabolism after creatine supplement is associated with lower level of blood glucose , glycogen synthesis improvement , up-regulation of glucose transporter 4 and increased citrate synthase activity .

  10. 许氏平鲉在游泳实验结束后的血糖、血乳酸、肌肉乳酸值都明显升高(P<0.05),肌糖元无明显变化。

    In Sebastes schlegeli , significantly higher concentrations of plasma glucose , plasma lactic acid and muscle lactic acid than those of the control groups were found ( P < 0.05 ), with no significant variance in muscle glycogen found .