
  • 网络myoclonic seizure
  1. [结论]1.本文收集的9个家系中,其临床表型以FS、FS+为主要类型,还包括少数FS+伴失神发作、FS+伴肌阵挛发作、FS+伴局灶性发作以及特发性全面性癫痫。

    Nine families in this study , the major clinical phenotype was FS and FS + also includes a small number of FS + and absence seizures , FS + with myoclonic seizures , FS + with focal seizures and idiopathic generalized epilepsy .

  2. 肌阵挛发作起病年龄(13.1±3.4)岁;

    Myoclonic seizures began at age of ( 13.1 ± 3.4 ) years .

  3. Ⅰ型主要表现为继发性不典型失神和负性肌阵挛发作,神经心理损伤预后不良;

    Type ⅰ primarily represents ⅱ secondary atypical absences and negative myoclonus , often with poor neuropsychologic prognosis .

  4. 癫痫发作类型,全身性强直阵挛发作4例,肌阵挛发作1例,复杂部分性发作4例,简单部分性发作3例。

    And according to the seizure types of epilepsy , they included : 4 cases of generalized tonic clonic seizure , 1 case of clonic seizure , 4 cases of complex partial seizures , 3 cases of simple partial seizure .