
  • 网络bite block;bite-block;mouthpiece;mouth prop;biteblock
  1. 胃镜牙垫在急诊洗胃插管中的应用

    Application of gastroscope bite block to catheterization during emergency gastric lavage

  2. 去除牙垫减少经口气管插管清醒患者故意拔管的效果观察

    Influence of Elimination of Bite Block on Intentional Extubation by Conscious Patients with Oral Tracheal Intubation

  3. 去除牙垫后气管插管固定方法

    Fixation Way of Tracheal Cannulation Tube After Put off Teeth Pad

  4. 急诊洗胃过程中牙垫固定洗胃管的效果观察

    Role of Lavaging Tube Fixation by Bite Block During Emergent Gastric Lavage

  5. 方法:将180例口腔气管插管患者随机分为2组,观察组采用Y型胶布无牙垫固定新方法;

    Methods : 180 cases were divided into observation and control groups at random .

  6. 方法:取出口咽通气管作牙垫用的扁形铁圈,插入8号~9号一次性气管导管接头。

    Method : Taken away the flat iron circle used as a tooth pad from an ordinary oropharyngeal airway , the new device is made by fixing an air pipe in size 8 or 9 at the connector .

  7. 结论应用胃镜牙垫行急诊洗胃插管,提高了插胃管首次成功率,缩短了插胃管所需时间,减少了相关不良反应的发生,减轻了病人痛苦,节省人力,提高护理工作质量。

    Conclusion Using gastroscope bite block during emergency gastric lavage can raise the success rate of catheterization , shorten the placing time , reduce adverse reactions , lessen patients ' suffering , spare nursing staff and improve nursing quality .

  8. 方法将140例急性中毒需洗胃病人随机分为两组,使用传统金属开口器组70例,使用胃镜牙垫组70例。

    Methods One hundred and forty patients with acute poisoning who need gastric lavage were randomly allocated into two groups : one group used traditional metal mouth gags and the other group used gastroscope bite block , 70 cases in each group .

  9. 采用颏兜600g力矫治,同时使用牙合垫。

    The applied force of chincap was 600g , combined with the occlusal bite plate .

  10. 稳定牙合垫治疗磨牙症的多导睡眠监测分析

    Effects of stable occlusal splint on sleep bruxism patients

  11. 目的探讨稳定牙合垫对于夜磨牙的短期疗效。

    Objective To study the short-term effects of stabilization splint on sleep bruxism patients .

  12. 方法:先采用过渡性牙合垫(牙合垫式义齿)恢复患者的垂直距离,正中关系。

    Distance Methods : The transitional occlusal pad restored the vertical dimension and centric relation .

  13. 目的:比较真空成形牙合垫与普通塑料牙合垫治疗夜磨牙症的临床效果。

    Objective : To compact the clinical treatment effect of bruxism by using ultra-form occlusal splint and popular plastic occlusal splint .

  14. 方法:分别用真空成形术和普通塑料制作牙合垫,嘱患者夜间休息时戴用。

    Methods : To made ultra-form occlusal splint and popular plastic occlusal splint and to ask the patients wearing the splint during night .

  15. 结论:制作全口金属牙合垫修复牙列磨损及缺失,虽然难度系数较大,但目前仍不失为一种良好的齿科临床修复方法。

    Conclusion Fabricating complete metal occlusal pad , though the difficulty coefficient is big , is still a good dental clinical restoration method at present .

  16. 结果使用稳定牙合垫2周后,每小时磨牙事件比治疗前有所减少,微觉醒指数、睡眠结构变化差异无统计学意义。

    Results The bruxism episodes per hour decreased after wearing stabilization splint for2 weeks , but the incidence of micro-arousal and the sleep stage did not change .

  17. 结论稳定牙合垫对夜磨牙患者的牙齿磨动有所改善,但对于睡眠结构和睡眠微觉醒的发生无影响。

    Conclusion The stabilization splint is effective for treating sleep bruxism in short term , but can not affect the sleep structure and the incidence of micro-arousal .

  18. 戴用牙合垫后无论时间长短,平均每夜磨牙时间减少均极其显著(P<0.01),而且戴用1年与1个月相比也具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The average grinding time each night reduced remarkably ( P < 0.01 ) after treatment , and there is also remarkable difference between one year and one month after treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 方法采用自行研制的软树脂牙合垫给96例磨牙症患者配戴,观察其疗效,并与82例配戴硬塑料牙合垫者进行比较。

    Methods Comparision of curative effect was made between 96 cases in the treatment group treated with the self developed occlusal pad of soft resin and 82 cases in the control group treated with occlusal pad of hard plastics .

  20. 结果:配戴普通塑料牙合垫和真空成形牙合垫1个月时停止磨牙例数之比为6∶11;

    Results : In one month , the teeth grinding stopped in 6 cases to 11 cases by using popular plastic occlusal splint and ultra-form occlusal splint , in six month , which is in 10 cases to 17 cases ;

  21. (牙合)垫、关节灌洗术及关节灌洗术联合(牙合)垫治疗这三种方法治疗不可复性关节盘前移位都是可行有效的。

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) About the treatment of anterior disc displacement without reduction , the three methods are feasible and efficacious .

  22. 结论松弛性(牙合)垫和稳定性(牙合)垫均对咀嚼肌有松弛作用。稳定牙合垫治疗磨牙症的多导睡眠监测分析

    Conclusion The relaxation splint and mandibular stabilization splint can relax the masticatory muscles . Effects of stable occlusal splint on sleep bruxism patients

  23. 方法:利用721型分光光度仪测定重度牙合磨耗患者牙合垫式义齿戴用3个月后的咀嚼效率,与戴用前进行比较。

    Method : Masticatory performance was tested using the spectrophotometry by spectrophotometer before and after splint removable denture for severe dental attrition .

  24. 结论:重度牙合磨耗患者降低了咀嚼效率,戴用牙合垫式义齿后咀嚼效率提高,提示咬合重建对于重度牙合磨耗是有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion : Splint removable denture can significantly increase the masticatory performance of severe dental attrition .

  25. 结论:对于恒前牙反(牙合)患者,可以用固定矫治器联合下颌(牙合)垫、颏兜矫治,缩短疗程,达到理想治疗效果。

    Conclusion : For permanent anterior cross bite cases , we can use fixed appliance , mandibular caps and chin cap appliance , decreasing the treatment duration and leading to ideal treatment effect .