
  • 网络Tooth loss;MISSING TEETH
  1. 门诊986例老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况调查分析

    Investigation of tooth loss and prosthetic conditions on 986 elderly outpatients

  2. 吸烟与牙齿缺失有联系吗?

    Is there a direct connection between tooth loss and smoking ?

  3. 而两组间CAL均值、CAL≥3mm的范围和牙齿缺失数无统计学差异。

    There were no significant statistic differences between the two groups in the mean CAL , extent of CAL ≥ 3 cm , and numbers of missing teeth .

  4. 结论:Rieger综合征是导致先天牙齿缺失的重要遗传性疾病之一,由于修复治疗的需要,可能对口腔医师在这一疾病的发现和诊断中起到重要作用。

    Conclusions : Rieger syndrome is one of the most important inherited disorders causing hypodontia and dentists may play a key role in cognition and diagnosis of this syndrome .

  5. 这些因素包括:患者年龄,性别,职业,修复原因,修复史,个性,对PFM修复的期望(对牙齿缺失、缺损的态度,PFM对自身形象的影响)等。

    These factors include patient 's age , sex , occupation , restore reason , history of restoration , personality , expectation for PFM ( attitude to teeth losing / damage , effect on their images ) ect .

  6. 牙齿缺失对小鼠空间学习记忆能力的影响

    Effect of missing molars on spatial learning and memory in mice

  7. 吸烟如何导致牙齿缺失?

    How can smoking lead to the loss of teeth ?

  8. 牙齿缺失与上消化道肿瘤关系前瞻性研究

    Prospective Study on the Relationship Between Tooth Loss and Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer

  9. 上海市部分地区居民牙齿缺失及修复情况调查分析

    The Investigation of Tooth-missing and Dental Prosthesis of 853 Residents in Shanghai

  10. 目的:种植义齿修复是修复牙齿缺失的一种重要方法。

    Object : implant is an important method for repairing missing teeth .

  11. 牙齿缺失与骨密度关系的研究

    Relationship between tooth loss and bone mineral density

  12. 背景牙齿缺失是口腔疾病中的常见病、多发病。

    Background : The lack of teeth is a common and frequently-occurring oral diseases .

  13. 目的:了解口腔科老年患者系统性疾病与牙齿缺失的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationships between medical conditions and tooth-loss in the aged .

  14. 以前的研究已经显示了牙齿缺失和癌症,以及胰腺癌之间的关系。

    Previous studies have shown associations between tooth loss and cancer , and pancreatic cancer as well .

  15. 结论:本蒙古族家系临床表现主要是先天性牙齿缺失。

    Conclusion : The main symptom of the disease of the Mongolian family is short of partial teeth .

  16. 女性先天性牙齿缺失数目高于男性,二者的差别具有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    The number of female who were hypodontia was higher than that of male ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 探讨牙齿缺失与食管癌、贲门癌、胃癌发病的关系。

    To investigate the relationship between tooth loss and the occurrence of esophageal carcinoma , cardia carcinoma and stomach cancer .

  18. 垂直向咬合异常不仅仅是牙齿缺失的结果,更可能是错(牙合)的结果;

    Abnormal occlusion in vertical direction was not only the results of losing teeth , but also the results of malocclusion .

  19. 牙齿缺失是临床上常见的疾病,常见的病因是龋病和外伤等。

    Teeth missing represents a group of clinically common disease , which mainly caused by caries and trauma , et al .

  20. 牙周病是一种慢性感染性疾病,具有较高的患病率,是造成牙齿缺失的重要原因之一。

    Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease with high incidence . It is one of the important reasons that cause tooth loss .

  21. 流行病学调查显示,隐裂牙综合征的患病率在工业化国家呈上升趋势,已成为造成牙齿缺失的第三大因素。

    AIM : Epidemiological data reveal that cracked tooth syndrome is the third most common cause of tooth loss in industrialized countries .

  22. 目的:探讨骨质疏松状态下由于牙齿缺失后应力环境的改变,导致下颌骨骨小梁结构的变化及补充雌激素对其变化的影响。

    Objective : To study the changes of stress on trabecular structure of mandible with lost teeth and effects on it by estrogen therapy .

  23. 牙齿缺失后牙槽骨不断发生吸收,导致牙槽骨的高度和宽度降低,直接影响种植修复的效果。

    Absorption of alveolar bone often results in inadequate amount of bone in the implant area , which can be solved by bone grafts .

  24. 牙齿缺失后,义齿修复是恢复咀嚼、美观、发音等功能的有效方法。

    After teeth get missed , patients wearing denture is effect method to restore some oral functions such as mastication , pronunciation , esthetic appearance .

  25. 背景:牙周病、外伤和龋齿等引起牙齿缺失,给患者的进食咀嚼功能带来不便。

    Background : Periodontal disease , trauma and dental caries caused by tooth loss , and inconvenience to patients with chewing function [ 1 ] .

  26. 牙周炎是一种导致牙周组织逐渐损坏近而引起成人牙齿缺失的炎症疾病。

    Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that leads to a progressive destruction of periodontal tissues , thereby leading to the loss of tooth in adults .

  27. 在另一项分析中,研究组在研究起始(基线)和随访中关注牙齿缺失。

    In a secondary analysis , the team looked at tooth loss at both the beginning of the study ( baseline ) and during the follow-up period .

  28. 牙周炎是一种慢性感染性疾病,可破坏结缔组织基质和细胞,导致牙槽骨吸收,最终导致牙齿缺失。

    Periodontitis is a chronic infective disease , and leads to tooth losing eventually by causing the destruction of the connective tissue matrix and the resorption of alveolar bone .

  29. 由牙周病、龋齿、外伤或是遗传引起的牙齿缺失给大多数人的生活带来很大的不便。

    Tooth loss due to periodontal disease , dental caries , trauma , or a variety of genetic disorders continues to affect most people adversely at some time in the lives .

  30. 雌激素缺乏是绝经后妇女骨质疏松的重要致病因素之一,而骨质疏松则是牙周疾病与牙齿缺失的可能致病因素之一。

    Estrogen deficiency is believed to be one of the major causes of post-menopausal osteoporosis . Osteoporosis is considered as one of the risk factors for periodontal disease and tooth loss .