
  • 网络Dental Disease;tooth diseases
  1. Ostfeld医生说,虽然确切的关联尚不清楚,但牙齿疾病与心脏病的确有着强烈的关联。

    While the exact reason is unknown , there is a strong link between gum disease and heart disease , Dr. Ostfeld says .

  2. 在商业性的宠物食品出现之前,猫狗的牙齿疾病主要原因是他们主要以低钙的肉类为食物。

    Before commercial pet foods were available though , dogs and cats developed tooth disease due to the low calcium-content of their meat-based diets .

  3. 研究背景:牙周牙髓联合病变是中老年人群中多见的牙齿疾病,可出现复发性脓肿和进行性骨质破坏,牙槽骨缺损,最终导致牙齿丧失,严重影响患者的生存质量。

    Blackgrounds : Combined periodontal-endodontic lesions is common in the elderly population , there may be recurrent abscess and bone destruction , alveolar bone defect , eventually leading to tooth loss , seriously affecting the quality of patients ' life .

  4. 人类受牙齿和牙疾病的困扰已经有几千年了。

    People have been troubled by tooth and gum problems for thousands of years .

  5. 先天缺牙是比较常见的牙齿发育异常疾病。

    Tooth agenesis is a common tooth dysplasia .

  6. 数据表明,那些患有牙齿和牙龈疾病的人在记忆力和认知力方面的测试分数也很低。

    And the data showed that people who reported tooth and gum disease had lower scores on tests that measured memory and cognition .

  7. 今天我们谈论一下近期科学的发展&牙齿及牙龈疾病以及预防和治疗的方法。

    Today , we tell about recent developments in science diseases of the teeth and gums , and ways to prevent and treat them .

  8. 大多数专家认为,另一种防止牙齿及牙龈疾病的方法是多吃钙及维他命含量高以及含糖量少的食物。

    Most experts also agree that another way to prevent tooth and gum problems is to eat foods high in calcium and vitamins and low in sugar .

  9. 产生牙齿和牙周疾病的原因很多。

    There are many reasons for diseases of the teeth and gums .

  10. 背景牙齿缺失是口腔疾病中的常见病、多发病。

    Background : The lack of teeth is a common and frequently-occurring oral diseases .

  11. 应用口腔数字成像系统诊断牙齿及牙周疾病的研究

    Study on Intraoral Digital Imaging System for the Detection of Teeth and Periodontal Disease

  12. 牙周炎是一种导致牙周组织逐渐损坏近而引起成人牙齿缺失的炎症疾病。

    Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that leads to a progressive destruction of periodontal tissues , thereby leading to the loss of tooth in adults .

  13. 牙科中有关齿龈与牙齿四周结构的疾病的分支。垣曲盆地一新的细齿兽(食肉目,细齿兽科)化石

    The branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the gums and other structures around the teeth . A NEW MIACIS ( MAMMALIA , CARNIVORA , MIACIDAE ) FROM THE MIDDLE EOCENE OF YUANQU BASIN , SHANXI PROVINCE