
  • 网络Hollywood Road;SOHO;hollywood rd;hollywood street
  1. 于一九一九年又加建了面对荷李活道的四层高大楼。

    A storey was later added to the block in1905 . In1919 , the Headquarters Block facing Hollywood Road was constructed .

  2. 新建宿舍提供1237个优质单位,补替原本位于荷李活道和广东道的534个旧宿舍单位。

    They provided 1237 high-quality quarters , replacing 534 very old Junior Police Officers quarters at sites on Hollywood Road and Canton Road .

  3. 精艺轩画廊位于中环嘉咸街35号地铺(近荷李活道与摆花街交界)。

    Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of35-39 Graham Street , Central , near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace ( SOHO Area ) .