
  • 网络NETHERLANDS;Netherland;Oranje
  1. 下半场刚刚开始,吉奥瓦尼·多斯桑托斯(GiovanidosSantos)就从禁区外一个刁钻的角度地射门成功,这是他两年来在国际比赛中首次射门得分;兴奋感消退后,墨西哥人在很长时间里成功地防住了荷兰队。

    Giovani dos Santos scored his first international goal in two years with a wicked shot from outside the penalty area just after halftime , and once the euphoria subsided , the Mexicans packed in and held off the Netherlands for so long .

  2. Univision表示,上周日其对墨西哥队对荷兰队那场比赛的转播,观看人数平均为1040万人,是美国西班牙语电视史上播出过的所有类型的节目中观看人数最多的。

    Univision said its broadcast on Sunday of the Mexico v Netherlands match was the most-watched programme , of any kind , in US Spanish-language TV history , with an average 10.4m viewers .

  3. 荷兰队以5:1轻松战胜了凯尔特队。

    The Dutch team romped to a 5 – 1 victory over Celtic .

  4. 荷兰队已降至第五名。

    The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place .

  5. 挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。

    Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam

  6. 荷兰队和爱尔兰队打成了一比一平。

    Holland and the Republic of Ireland drew one-one

  7. 荷兰队以5比0完胜奥运冠军队。

    The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0 .

  8. 与中国队和葡萄牙队一同分在B组的还有加纳队和荷兰队。他们将在比赛中争夺各自的一分。

    With Ghana and the Netherlands also drawing , all four teams in Group B are sharing the top spot with one point each .

  9. 2014年,世界杯在1978年以后又重新回到南美的怀抱,当时,马里奥·肯佩斯(MarioKempes)带领阿根廷队战胜了荷兰队,保持着南美球队在南美洲大陆上举行的世界杯中赢得冠军的记录。

    2014 sees the World Cup returning to South America for the first time since 1978 , when a Mario Kempes inspired Argentina saw off the Netherlands , keeping up the record that only South American teams have ever won the tournament when it 's been held there .

  10. 中国队与荷兰队的比赛将在星期一进行。

    China 's second appearance is on Monday against the Netherlands .

  11. 我意识到,我让荷兰队和我的队友输掉了比赛。

    I realised that I 'd let Holland and my team-mates down .

  12. 对于失利,荷兰队教练伯特范马尔维克显得很坦然。

    Dutch coach Bert Van Marwijk was gracious in defeat .

  13. 他们首场比赛打荷兰队。

    They are matched against Holland in the first game .

  14. 西班牙夺得世界杯的胜利,打破了荷兰队连续25场不败的记录。

    With the World Cup victory , Spain ped the Netherlands ' 25-match

  15. 云达沙是荷兰队中一位出色的守门员。

    Edwin van der Sar is an excellent goal keeper of the Netherlands .

  16. 这就是为什么我一直保留我对荷兰队的批评。

    That 's why I was always reserved with my criticism on Oranje .

  17. 当荷兰队在世界杯的比赛打响,橙色又一次统治了德国赛场的看台。

    Orange colors again dominate the stands in Germany when the Netherlands plays .

  18. 荷兰队凭借最后一分钟的一例入球获胜。

    The Dutch won courtesy of a last-minute goal .

  19. 荷兰队只是矿井里的小鸟。

    Oranje is the little bird in the mines .

  20. 通常我会支持荷兰队,因为我是荷兰足球的粉丝。

    I usually support the Netherlands because I am a fan of Dutch football .

  21. 问题所在并不是荷兰队的。

    Because the problem is not Oranje .

  22. 看荷兰队在索契冬奥会速滑项目上夺奖牌已经看到厌烦的人请举手!

    Everyone sick of watching the Dutch win speedskating medals , please raise your hand .

  23. 荷兰队防守做得比较好,所以冲进了决赛;

    The Dutch team did well in defence , and they entered the final match ;

  24. 为遏制西班牙“倒脚式的踢法”,荷兰队选择了强硬、高强度身体对抗的战术打法。

    The Dutch tried to slow Spain 's passing game with rough , physical play .

  25. 这是否意味着荷兰队的好运到头了?

    Is this a sign that his and Holland 's luck is starting to turn ?

  26. 随着西班牙捷报传来,荷兰队在本届世界杯中保持的连续25场比赛不败的神话也就此终结。

    With the World Cup victory , Spain snapped the Netherlands ' 25-match unbeaten streak .

  27. 就在整场比赛即将结束时,荷兰队射入一球再次追平比分,双方进入加时赛。

    Literally in the last seconds of the match the Dutch scored its second equalizer .

  28. 荷兰队的夺冠之路非常艰辛。

    Though the Dutch team did eke out a win , it was not easy .

  29. 西班牙队将在周日进行的南非世界杯决赛中与荷兰队一决雌雄。

    Spain will play the Netherlands in Sunday 's World Cup football final in South Africa .

  30. 然而结果却丝毫未改变&荷兰队还要继续苦苦等待首个大力神杯。

    The outcome was the same & the Netherlands is still waiting for its first World Cup .