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  • Dutch auction
  1. 然而在实际中,荷兰式拍卖并未被广泛应用。

    In practice , however , the Dutch auction is not widely used .

  2. 荷兰式拍卖是因其最出名的一个案例荷兰郁金香拍卖而得名。

    The Dutch auction is named for its best known example , the Dutch tulip auctions .

  3. Dutchauction荷兰式拍卖荷兰式拍卖,也称为公开降价拍卖。

    Dutch auction also known as an open descending price auction .

  4. 荷兰式拍卖也称“降价拍卖”或“高估价拍卖”。

    For Dutch auctions also known as " price auction " or " high valuation auction " .

  5. 我们为慈善事业举行了一次荷兰式拍卖,人们出价好几十英镑购买不值钱的废物。

    We held a Dutch auction for charity and people were paying tens of pounds for worthless junk .

  6. 股票回购方式主要有三种:固定价格要约回购,荷兰式拍卖回购以及公开市场回购。

    There are primarily three common forms of share repurchase : Dutch auctions , Fixed-price tender offers and Open-market repurchase .

  7. 另外一种形式是荷兰式拍卖,它是十七世纪荷兰的郁金香商人以及今天竞拍美国国库券竞标人所熟悉的一种拍卖形式。

    At the other extreme is the Dutch auction , familiar to17th-century tulip-traders in the Netherlands as well as to bidders for American Treasury bonds .

  8. 荷兰式拍卖不仅被用于荷兰的鲜切花交易,还被用于出售某些易腐烂的商品,例如鱼和烟草。

    In addition to cut flower sales in the Netherlands , Dutch auctions have also been used for perishable commodities such as fish and tobacco .

  9. “荷兰式拍卖”有时也指网上拍卖,这种网拍形式同时为数量相等的高竞价买家提供数件相同的物品。

    " Dutch auction " is also sometimes used to describe online auctions where several identical goods are sold simultaneously to an equal number of high bidders .

  10. 在传统的荷兰式拍卖中,拍卖师以相对较高的价格起拍,然后逐渐减低,直至有人情愿领受拍卖师开出的价格。

    In the traditional Dutch auction the auctioneer begins with a high asking price which is lowered until some participant is willing to accept the auctioneer 's price .

  11. 若非竞争性投标量较小,但竞争性投标者较少,且市场利率上升趋势极强,则同样是混合式拍卖收入最大,反之则荷兰式拍卖收入最大。

    When noncompetitive demand is weak , the number of competitive bidder is small and market interest rate tends to rise strongly , Spanish auction can provide the maximum revenue , otherwise Uniform-price auction can do .

  12. 在上述理论基础上,根据网格资源特征,利用市场经济模型,建立了逆荷兰式拍卖模型,该模型规定了资源的分配策略和初始定价策略。

    Based on such theories , according to charateristic of grid resource , the model of reverse Dutch auction-based algorithm was established by use the concept of market economy , it define the allocated and original price policy of resource .

  13. 在对系统进行设计时,不仅实现了英式拍卖、荷兰式拍卖以及首价密封式拍卖三种拍卖方式,使得拍卖发布方可以选择最适合自己的拍卖方式,进一步增加了可用性。

    In the system design , not only to achieve the English auction , Holland auction and the first price sealed auction three auction , the auction publishers can choose the most suitable for their own auction , further increased the availability of .

  14. (荷兰式)大拍卖使您享受到廉价的刺激。

    A Dutch auction gives you Bargain thrills .