
  • 网络Transmission Line Transformer;TLT;TLTs
  1. 研究了变换比为1∶n2(n为整数)的宽频带传输线变压器,给出了考虑线圈互耦的等效电路模型,分析了其阻抗变换特性。

    Beginning with the broadband transmission line transformer with 1 ∶ n 2 impedance transformation , its equivalent model with mutual coupling between transmission lines taken into account is given , and its characteristics for impedance transformation is analyzed .

  2. 传输线变压器在射频功率放大器中的应用

    The Application of Transmission line Transformer in Radio-frequency power amplifier

  3. 传输线变压器分析方法的matlab仿真

    Matlab Simulation of Transmission-line Transformer Analysis Method

  4. 根据宽带功率放大器的设计原理,采用推挽结构晶体管,前馈线性化技术,传输线变压器和微带混和匹配电路,利用ADS进行仿真设计,成功的设计出一款宽带功率放大器。

    Based on the design theory of power amplifier , a wide-band power amplifier was designed successfully by the push-pull transistor , the feedforward technical of linearization , the matching circuits of transmission line transformers and microstrip , and ADS simulation software .

  5. 传输线变压器的机理及宽带阻抗匹配的设计

    Mechanism of broadband transmission line and design of impedance match transformer

  6. 三种传输线变压器巴仑的最佳传输条件和传输损耗的分析

    Analysis of Optimum Transmission Conditions and Transmission Loss for Transmission-line Transformer Balun

  7. 短波宽带高功率传输线变压器设计

    Design of HF Broadband High Power Transmission Line Transformer

  8. KHz&GHz传输线变压器的原理设计及应用

    Theory , Design and Application of the KHz ── GHz Transmission Line Transformer

  9. 四线传输线变压器的传输系数

    Transmission coefficient of four - wire transmission line transformer

  10. 传输线变压器相位补偿技术及其应用

    Phase Compensation Technology and Application to Transmission Line Transformer

  11. 传输线变压器在宽带寻呼功率放大器中的设计和应用

    Designing and applying of transformer using transmission line in wide band paging power amplifier

  12. 传输线变压器分析及其方法改进

    Analysis and Improvement Method for Transmission-Line Transformer

  13. 在制作好单个的振荡电路后,通过传输线变压器进行功率的合成。

    After completing the oscillation circuit , transmission line transformer is used to power combining .

  14. 传输线变压器理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis for Transmission-linc Transformers

  15. 设计中采用电源调制技术和传输线变压器宽带匹配技术,降低了电路的复杂度。

    The power modulate technique and transmission-line transformer broadband matching are employed to simplify the module circuit .

  16. 传输线变压器巴仑的分析

    Analysis of Transmission-Line Transformer Balun

  17. 传输线变压器是射频和微波技术中一种非常有特色并取得了广泛应用的基本元件。

    It is a very characteristics device in radio frequency and microwave technology , and it has been widely used .

  18. 传输线变压器具有频带宽、易于制作的特点,在通信领域得到了广泛的应用。

    With its broadband characteristic and the ease of manufacturing , transmission line transformers have been widely used in communication .

  19. 在介绍传输线变压器的工作原理的基础上,详细的介绍了传输线变压器的设计、计算、制作过程。

    The principle of transmission line transformer is the theoretical base of all those study and will be considered in detail .

  20. 本文为了配合月球射电仪天线的研究,推导了奇模四线传输线变压器的传输系数。

    To help researching the lunar radio telescope , the transmission coefficient of odd mode four-wire transmission line transformer is derived .

  21. 本文在匹配过程中用到了传输线变压器,这样不仅可以满足指标又简化了匹配网络电路结构。

    In this thesis the transmission line transformer was used in the matching process , which meets the targets and simplify the matching network circuit .

  22. 本文从理论上较详细的分析了传输线变压器的工作原理、传输线特性、频率特性,及大功率容量特性及其应用。

    This paper describes the basic principle of transmission-line transformers and its transmission characteristics , frequency characteristics , available capacity properties , and its application .

  23. 根据传输线变压器串并联同时耦合的原理,设计了一种13dB铁氧体定向耦合器,该定向耦合器是用漆包线绕在射频铁氧体磁芯上做成。

    This paper designs a 13 dB ferrite directional coupler , which is made by winding enamel-insulated copper wires around a radio frequency ferrite core .

  24. 理想状态下,在射频段只要保证了传输线变压器在工作频带低端的工作性能,其在频带高端的工作性能就会比较优良。

    Under ideal condition , the transmission line transformers just have a good performance at low-end of working frequency band and it would have a better working performance at high-end of working frequency band , in the radio frequency section .

  25. 传输线脉冲变压器次级线电感的优化设计

    Optimization of secondary line inductance of transmission line transformer

  26. 一种四级传输线脉冲变压器的初步研究

    Preliminary study of a 4-stage transmission line transformer

  27. 基于不等长多导体传输线的变压器绕组高频建模研究

    Research on Modeling of Windings of Transformer Based on Unequal-Length Multi-Conductor Transmission Line Theory

  28. 基于多导体传输线模型的变压器绕组电压分布求解

    Solution for Voltage Distribution in Transformer Winding Based on Model of Multi-Conductor Transmission Line

  29. 传输系数是传输线变压器的重要参数。

    Transmission coefficient is a important parameter for transmission line transformer .

  30. 基于多导体传输线理论的脉冲变压器锥形绕组电压分布数值分析

    Numerical calculation of voltage distribution on pulse transformer 's conical windings based on multi-conductor transmission line theory