
  1. GPRS网络传输速率与信道配置

    GPRS Network Transmission Rate and Channel Configuration

  2. 基于OPNET的认知无线电网络传输速率切换仿真研究

    Simulation of the Transmission Rate Handover for Cognitive Radio Networks Based on OPNET

  3. 随着航电系统的发展,传统的通信网络传输速率已经不能满足发展需要,因此,FC协议作为新一代的高性能网络通信协议被引入到航电系统中。

    Along with development of avionic systems , the transmission rate of traditional communication methods cannot meet the developing demands .

  4. 在搭建的仿真平台上对RM和EDF调度算法在网络传输速率不同的情况下分别进行仿真比较,验证了它们各自的特点;

    RM scheduling algorithm and EDF scheduling algorithm are simulated and compared in different network transmission speeds on given simulation platforms of networked control systems . And the results prove their characteristics separately .

  5. 影响网络传输速率的因素

    Factors Influencing Network Transmission Rate

  6. 数据业务和语音业务的高速增长,驱使光网络传输速率不断提高。

    With the rapid growth of data services and voice services , optical network transmission rate continues to increase .

  7. 实验证明,这种策略提高了网络传输速率,缩短了系统响应时间,增加了系统的并行性。

    The experiment shows that the system using the improved buffer strategy has shorter response time and higher I / O speed .

  8. 随着社会应用对网络传输速率的更高要求,仅仅使用电力线载波技术是很难实现的。

    However , with the increasingly high demands on network transmission rate , it is difficult to meet the needs of society just used PLC .

  9. 通过深入地对比与分析,可以看出经过改进以后的并发服务器显著地提高资源利用率和网络传输速率。

    Through deeply comparing with and analyzing , the utilization ratio of the resources and the network transmission speed are increased notably after using the improved concurrent server .

  10. 随着通信技术的发展和通信业务需求的急剧增长,网络传输速率越来越快,容量越来越大。

    With the development of the communication technology and the rapid growth of the communication service , the speed of the network transport is becoming faster and faster , the network capacity is becoming larger and larger .

  11. 随着人们对互联网的使用逐渐增加,高流量的应用程序的出现对网络传输速率提出了更高的新的要求,使光纤通信系统向着100Gbit/s甚至更高的传输速率演进。

    With the use of the Internet is gradually increased , the application of high flow forward higher and new requirements for the network transmission rate , the optical fiber communication system to100Gbit / s or even higher transmission rate evolution .

  12. GPRS网络数据传输速率影响因素的研究

    The Research of the Influence on GPRS Throughput Networking DATA & INFORMATION

  13. 一种提高TCP/IP网络协议传输速率的方法

    Improving translate rate of TCP / IP protocol

  14. 功率受限的无线网络的传输速率控制

    Data Rate Control for Power-constrained Wireless Networks

  15. 由于信息技术的高速发展,传统光纤通信网络的传输速率正面临着很大挑战。

    With the rapid development of information technology , the transmission speed of traditional optical communication networks face great challenges .

  16. 使用了网关下移技术,提高了每个分区内部网络的传输速率,减轻了网络对核心层交换机的压力。

    Using the technology of removing Gateway down to improve the transmission rate of internal network each partition , and reduce the pressure of core switch that the network imposing .

  17. 但是,随之而来也产生了不少的问题,例如:占用巨大的存储空间、在网络上传输速率低、图像中的公式表格等内容无法重用等。

    But it also produces a lot of problems , for example , occupy massive storage capacity , low transmission rate on the network , the formulas and tables in the image can not be reused .

  18. 设计的Zigbee/WiFi协议提高了网络的传输速率,同时通过远程用户登录方式禁止非法用户进入监控系统,在家居行业的技术发展和应用方面具有一定的前沿性和实用性。

    The Zigbee / WiFi protocol improve the network transmission rate , and prohibit illegal users access to monitoring system through the remote user login system . It has some frontier and practical in the field of domestic industry technology development and applications .

  19. 但实际网络中数据传输速率最大化受到约束。

    But the actual network data transmission rate under constraint .

  20. 无线传感器网络实时媒体传输速率控制机制

    Rate Control Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network Realtime Media Transmission

  21. 流媒体网络传输中基于速率的控制方法

    Rate Control Mechanism in Streaming Media Transmission

  22. 针对矿井监控系统网络存在的传输速率较低问题,提出了无主式CAN总线网络结构。

    The paper analyzes the problem of network of coal mine monitor system and introduces the CAN field-bus of non master .

  23. 这些干扰严重影响了水声传感器网络的数据传输速率、数据通信的可靠性、有效的通信距离、网络的吞吐量和能量消耗。

    These characteristics seriously affect the data transmission rate , reliable data communication , available radio range , the throughput of network and energy expended in UWA .

  24. 大数据量的视频信息传输与网络信道低传输速率的矛盾,使得视频通信成为多媒体通信的关键。

    A key of multimedia communication is the video communication due to the contradictory between the enormous data of video information transmitted and low transmitted rate in channel of network .

  25. 随着铁路行业的大发展和列车速度的迅速提升,列车控制系统对列车专用无线移动通信网络的数据传输速率与网络可靠性提出了严苛的要求。

    Along with the rapid progress of railway industry and train speed , the wireless communication system dedicated for train has become more and more strict to the data transmit rate and network reliability .

  26. 虽然这是第一次全新的尝试,但它的研究完善了现有的TCP/IP协议体系结构提高了网络数据传输的速率和数据有效率,对今后类似的研究提供一个参考,具有比较高的研究价值。

    Although it is the first fire-new attempt , the research consummates the existing TCP / IP Protocol Architecture , and improves the transmission rate of net data and the efficiency of data . It possesses higher research value and can be a reference to further study .

  27. 近年来,随着以太网技术在工业控制领域的广泛应用,Ethernet/IP作为解决网络中数据传输速率低,缺乏透明度,软件和维护费用高等问题的工业以太网新方案,得到越来越多的关注。

    In recent years , with Ethernet technology is widely used in industrial control field , Ethernet / IP has gotten more and more attention as a new plan for industrial Ethernet to solve the low data rate networks , lack of transparency , software and maintenance cost issues .

  28. 由分析结果可知,在X形网络结构下,传输速率越大,数据包长度越长,退避窗口越小,那么系统的饱和吞吐量越大。

    Numerical results are presented to unveil that , in the X-shaped network setup , the higher transmission data rate , the longer the length of the packet , or the smaller backoff window will give rise to a better saturation throughput performance .

  29. 新型网络必须满足快速传输速率的要求,特别在声音和录像应用上。

    New networks must also meet the growing demand for faster transmission speeds , especially for sound and video applications .

  30. 按传统电话学概念达到网络质量的语音传输速率已降到32kb/s并且目前已到16kb/s;

    For traditional telephony , the transmission rate for network quality speech is down to 32kb / s and now down to 16kb / s ;