
wǎng luò yán chí
  • network delay;Latency;LAG
  1. 瘦客户机、VNC连接和虚拟客户机在理论上可以工作,但是不同处理层和网络延迟可能导致异常行为。

    Thin clients , VNC connections , and virtualized clients will work in theory , but the various layers of processing and network lag may cause unexpected behavior .

  2. 冲锋现在有时候会冲向相反的方向,因为网络延迟经常会让你这么做。

    Charge will now sometimes charge in the opposite direction , since lag usually puts you that way anyway .

  3. 基于神经网络延迟预测的Internet机器人远程控制

    Neural Networks Predictive Control for Internet Robots With Variational Time-delay

  4. Internet网络延迟分析

    Analysis of the Internet Network Delay

  5. IP流量规划对网络延迟性能的影响

    Influence of IP traffic engineering on delay of network

  6. 本文对Internet网络延迟进行了较为全面的分析,介绍了几种减少网络延迟的技术。

    This paper analyses roundly the network delay of the Internet . It introduces several techniques to reduce the network delay .

  7. 这种方法在比较Web服务处理开销上很有用,因为网络延迟的影响和开销可以从时间结果中排除。

    This approach does a great job of comparing Web services processing overhead , since the impact of network latencies and overhead are eliminated from timing results .

  8. 网络延迟是提供QoS保证、监控和优化网络性能的重要指标。

    Latency is a key performance parameter and utilization indicator for providing QoS guarantees and monitoring network performance .

  9. 网络延迟问题:定位您的VPN端点

    Network latency issues : Locating your VPN endpoint

  10. 基于EPA的工业自动化网络延迟分析及改善

    Analysis on Delay in Industrial Automation EPA Network and Its Improvement

  11. 因此,您可以利用多个IBMCloud数据中心,作为一个最小化网络延迟策略的一部分。

    You may therefore be able to leverage multiple IBM Cloud data centers as part of a strategy to minimize network latency .

  12. 此次对HTTP栈的更新承诺将提升90%的网络延迟时间。

    This update to the HTTP stack promises an improvement on network latency times of up to90 % .

  13. 为此,针对WEB优化的标准和策略问题,阐述了优化JAVA代码的各种方法,用以降低网络延迟,提高吞吐量和网络访问的效率,从而使WEB性能得到优化。

    In this article , it is illuminated how to optimize Java code to decline the network delay , improve the throughput and efficiency , and tune the web performance .

  14. 因此RS对网络延迟不是很敏感,并且可以更容易驻留在一个较远的地理位置。

    Thus the RS secondary is less sensitive to network latency and can more easily reside in a distant geography .

  15. 如果是这样,你可能就要考虑在HTTP层面使用压缩技术来改善你的网络延迟。

    If this is true , you might want to consider using compression at the HTTP level to improve your network latency .

  16. 很多其他因素,包括I/O停顿时间、数据库等待时间、Web服务响应时间、网络延迟和任何其他外部交互都可能影响响应时间。

    Many other factors , including I / O pauses , database wait times , Web service response times , network delays , and any other external interaction may also contribute to the response time .

  17. 而实际的生产型站点必须要预料到因服务器错误或网络延迟而导致的无效Ajax调用,并且能够进行恢复。

    A real , production-quality site would have to anticipate and recover from failed Ajax calls due to server errors or network latency .

  18. VNC通常较少受到网络延迟的影响。

    VNC is generally less sensitive to network latencies .

  19. 应该将您的VPN端点定位于您自己的计算机和正在连接的IBMCloud数据中心之间总网络延迟最小的那个地理位置。

    You should locate your VPN endpoint in a geography that minimizes the total network latency between your own computers and the IBM Cloud data center to which you are connecting .

  20. TCP更可靠(通过建立连接),它还在WAN上提供更好的性能,因为它的流程控制有助于最小化网络延迟。

    TCP is more reliable ( by establishing connections ), and it also provides better performance over a WAN , because its flow control helps minimize network latency .

  21. 如果您的组织跨几个地点分布,那么您将看到您各个点上的计算机和您的VPN端点之间的网络延迟有更多变化。

    If your organization is spread out geographically across several sites , then you will see more variation in network latency between computers in your sites and your VPN endpoint .

  22. 成功的ping的输出还有助于判断网络延迟,因为它会报告收到回显回复花费的时间。

    The output from a successful ping can also be useful in helping to determine network latency , as it reports on the time taken to receive the echo reply .

  23. 除此以外,这种不对称的概念还可以扩展到其他方面,比如网络延迟、媒体访问以及数据包错误率(PER-PacketErrorRate)等等。

    We generalize this notion of bandwidth asymmetry to other aspects of asymmetry , such as latency and media-access , and pAcket error rate , which are common in wide-area wireless networks .

  24. HDR的一个特点是它使用半双工通信协议,因此对网络延迟非常敏感。

    One characteristic of HDR is that it uses a half duplex communication protocol and thus is sensitive to network latency .

  25. 还可以分析JMeter观察到的JMeterTime,尽管该数字还包括在中间件和JMeter之间的网络延迟。

    The JMeter Time , as observed by JMeter , was also analyzed , though this number includes the network latency between the middleware and JMeter .

  26. 但目前的GPU云计算服务存在用户配置、支付费用、网络延迟等限制,在一定程度上影响了用户和开发人员的使用。

    The current existed GPU-based cloud computing services have limits in user configuration , payment , network latency , and thus affect the usage by users and developers .

  27. TRUN虽然能够穿越对成型的NAT,但由于报文要通过TRUN服务器转发,这又增加了网络延迟。

    Though TRUN can traverse symmetrical NAT , it causes network delay because packet needs to transmit through TRUN server .

  28. 为了弥补SNMP采集网络延迟方面的不足,系统集成一些工具主动测量到外部网络的服务性能,包括外部网络服务的响应时间以及指定路径上的可用带宽。

    Considering shortcomings of collecting network delay through SNMP , the system integrates some tools to measure performance accessing outer network including response time to outer server and available bandwidth of specified path .

  29. 仿真实验表明:DEEC能在较小的网络延迟下把LEACH的网络生命周期延长约45%。

    Simulation results show that DEEC , under limited network latency , outperforms LEACH significantly with prolonging the network lifetime over 45 % .

  30. 在NTP的过滤算法中使用了PLL算法,给出了基于PLL的算法框架,该算法利用Allan方差作工具将测量值中的网络延迟和钟漂移分离。

    In NTP 's data filter algorithm the PLL algorithm are used , which utilize Allan variance as tool to separate the network delay and the clock deviance , and also gives the final hierarchical architecture of the algorithm .