
  • 网络mass attenuation coefficient;mass-attenuation coefficient
  1. 特别地,该算法在给出系统的X射线能谱估计的同时,还给出了构成模体的物质关于不同能量的光子的质量衰减系数的估计。

    Especially , the algorithm obtains the phantom 's mass attenuation coefficient and spectrum of the CT system at the same time .

  2. 本文首先给出了由标准均匀圆柱状模体或楔状模体估计CT系统的X射线能谱的算法,该算法不必已知构成模体的物质关于不同能量的光子的质量衰减系数。

    Firstly , an estimation algorithm for spectrum of the CT system is presented in the paper by using a standard cylinder or wedge phantom , where the mass attenuation coefficient of the contained material of the phantom is not necessarily to be known .

  3. 由于β射线是连续能谱,不像单能X、γ射线那样有现成的质量衰减系数可查,必须由实验通过刻度来确定。

    But not like the X-ray , γ - ray or single-energy electron , there is not existing coefficient to be refered , so it must be obtained by calibration in the experiment .

  4. 作者从X射线和γ光子与物质相互作用出发,根据骨组织的成分分布和辐射衰减特性,提出了射线能量与质量衰减系数之间的相关数学模型。

    A relative mathematic model related to energy of rays and mass attenuation coefficient has been deduced according to the principles of the interactions between X-ray or γ - ray , substances , the characteristics of component distribution of bone tissues and radiation attenuation .

  5. 海洋生物样品基质γ射线质量衰减系数

    γ Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Marine Organism Matrix

  6. 质量衰减系数的计算与应用

    The calculation and application of mass attenuation coefficients

  7. 计算了各种海洋生物样品基质的γ射线质量衰减系数。

    The γ ray mass attenuation coefficients of sample matrixes of marine organisms were calculated .

  8. 蒙特卡罗方法计算介质对窄束γ射线的质量衰减系数

    Calculation of narrow beam γ ray mass attenuation coefficients of absorbing medium by Monte Carlo method

  9. 结果显示用蒙特卡罗方法计算介质对窄束γ射线的质量衰减系数是可行的。

    The results show that it is feasible for Monte Carlo method to calculate narrow beam γ ray mass attenuation coefficients of absorbing medium .

  10. 结果表明,不同生物样品基质的γ射线质量衰减系数存在差异,在10~100keV能区差异较大。

    The results have shown that there are difference among various sample matrixes of marine organisms , especially in the energy range of 10 ~ 100 keV .

  11. 讨论了测量原理、γ源的选择、锂玻璃探头对γ射线的响应并测定了氯化球团料的γ射线质量衰减系数。

    The principle of measurement , choice of γ - ray source , response of lithium glass to γ - rays and mass attenuation coefficient of γ - rays for the material are discussed .