
  1. 系统同时具有数据库管理、基于WEB的生产数据统计查询和产品质量追溯等功能,提高了生产线质量管理水平。

    The system also had the functions of data-base management , data statistic and query on WEB , product quality trace and etc , which was greatly improved the quality control of product line .

  2. 自加入WTO后,农产品出口面临进口国法律法规的限制,我国应高度重视农产品质量追溯问题。

    After entering the WTO , our agriculture products have to restrict by the laws of importing countries . We must pay high attention to building the agriculture products traceable system .

  3. 论文还基于合理性和可操作性的考量,对系统在实现过程中的关键技术进行阐述,并以本文所提出的系统为基础,提出白酒行业采用RFID实现质量追溯的研究建议。

    Based on the consideration of rationality and operability , this paper also describes the key techniques for system achievement . Further , to use the RFID to achieve quality tracing in the liquor industry , some research suggestions are proposed based on the system mentioned above .

  4. 运营商设备动态追踪与全程质量追溯系统的研究

    Research of Operator 's Device Dynamic Tracking and Quality Retrospective System

  5. 发达国家农产品质量追溯的实践与借鉴

    The Practice and Reference of Developed Country 's Agricultural Products Quality Trace

  6. 条码技术奠定手机产品质量追溯基础

    Bar Code Lays Foundation for Tracing Qualification of Mobile Phone

  7. 食品安全控制中条码质量追溯标签的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Bar Code Traceability Label under Food Safety Control

  8. 流程企业产品质量追溯方法研究及应用

    Study & implement on product traceability method for process industry

  9. 缺陷汽车产品召回的批次性质量追溯方法

    Quality Tracing for the Recall of Defective Automotive Products Based on Lot Management

  10. 建立质量追溯体系实施缺陷产品召回

    Build a Quality-tracing System to Recall the Defective Product

  11. 农产品质量追溯体系在分散农户中的建立探讨

    Discussion on the Establishment of Agricultural Product Quality Traceability System among Dispersed Farmers

  12. 关于产品召回的质量追溯浅析

    The Discussion of Quality Traceability on Product Recall

  13. 第二章质量追溯概述本部分重点介绍质量管理与可追溯性的发展演进过程;

    The second chapter introduces the developing process of the quality management and traceability ;

  14. 汉信码引擎构建及在水产品质量追溯系统中的应用

    Construction of Chinese-sensible Code Engine and Its Application on Fishery Products Quality Traceability System

  15. 自动识别技术在质量追溯中的应用

    Application of Automatic Identification Technology in Quality Traceability

  16. 基于质量追溯的面向订单装配的供应链质量控制机制设计

    Mechanism design of quality control in assemble-to-order supply chain base on product quality tracing

  17. 基于UCC/EAN-128条码的农产品质量追溯标签的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Quality Traceable Label for Farm Products Based on UCC / EAN-128 Bar Code

  18. 实行严格的市场准入制度和产品质量追溯制度、召回制度。

    We will make intensive efforts to improve food and drug safety , and improve and strictly enforce standards for product quality and safety .

  19. 对质量追溯信息流及追溯系统要点进行了一定的分析和总结;分析了系统建立对企业流程优化所起的作用。

    Analyses and summarizes the quality tracing information flow , traceability information system points and the reaction of the information system establishment on enterprise work flow optimization .

  20. 全面推行农业标准化生产,建立完善的蔬菜标准体系,并推行规范化管理,建立质量追溯机制。

    To fully implement of the standardization of agricultural production , establish a sound system of vegetables standards , use standardized management and establish the quality retrospective mechanisms .

  21. 监督、质量追溯和惩罚制度能够有效激励交易中介在控制产品质量上努力。

    Monitoring , quality traceability and the corresponding punishment are the important governance mechanism to incent an transaction intermediary making more effort to control the quality of the products .

  22. 目前,已经有许多国家进行了有关牛肉质量追溯系统研究及其相关制度的探索,并取得了一定的成果。

    Currently , many countries have conducted several researches on the traceability system of beef quality and the exploration about system related . Those researches have achieved some results .

  23. 在柴油发动机装配过程管理中采用条码管理技术,为物流配送、电子看板、质量追溯等应用开辟了新的途径。

    The technology is successfully applied in engine assembly process , which opened up new avenues for the application of logistics dispatching , Virtual Electronic kanban and the tracking of quality .

  24. 企业通过建立全过程标准化体系、健全质量追溯体系、完善药物残留监控体系为重返欧盟市场做出努力。

    Enterprises made efforts to return to the EU market through the establishment of standardization system of whole process and improve the quality retrospective system , perfect for residual pesticide monitoring system .

  25. 分析了产品及其组成零部件批次的形成过程,提出了基于产品批次清单的产品质量追溯原理。

    On the base of the analysis of the formation of the batch of the product and its component parts , the produce batch list based quality tracing method was put forward .

  26. 回顾了离散制造业和制造业信息化面临的挑战,分析了订单实时跟踪与产品质量追溯的重要意义。

    Firstly , the production model and the challenge of the manufacturing information in the discrete manufacturing were reviewed , than the thesis analyzed the importance of the order tracking and the produce quality tracing in the MTO discrete manufacturing .

  27. 方法严格执行法律法规,提高检验水平,建立信息系统与血液质量追溯系统,确保血液贮存运输的温度要求,产品生产的全过程控制以及全员培训。

    METHODS Abide to the law , advance the blood screening level , establish the information and blood quality tracking system , meet the temperature requirements for blood storage and transportation , carry out the total process control and the training for all staff .

  28. 为了解决这些问题,该文介绍了自动识别技术的一些特点,以及如何在质量追溯工作中应用该技术来加快数据采集的速度、降低差错率和提高生产效率,最终提高整个质量追溯管理的水平。

    In order to resolve these problems , this paper introduces some features of automatic identification technology , and presents how to apply this technology to quality traceability management to make data capture faster , lower error ratio , and enhance workers ' performance .

  29. 基于IPTV的农产品质量安全追溯系统

    Track and Trace about the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products based on IPTV

  30. 牛肉加工质量可追溯数据采集与传输方法

    Method of quality traceability data acquisition and transmission for beef processing