
  1. 校外点教学质量保障措施的研究

    A Study on the Measurement of the Quality Control for the Teaching at Outside of Our University

  2. 通过采取有效的质量保障措施,使烟囱桩基得到加固,从而保证上部结构的继续施工。

    The chimney piles are strengthened by adopting effective quality measures , which can ensure the continue construction of upper structure .

  3. 在此基础上,提出一套针对聚乙烯燃气管道工程的质量保障措施。

    Onthe basis of the mentioned analysis , I bring up with systematic measures for quality insurance of PE pipe engineering .

  4. 勒诺表示,该校要求分校拥有教学质量保障措施,以保证它们的教学质量可以与伦敦媲美。

    The school demands safeguards , says Mr Lenon , to ensure the quality of education is equal to that provided in London .

  5. 针对所存在的问题,制提出了一系列质量保障措施:(1)制定科学的造林规划。

    The problems in the system put forward a series of quality assurance measures : ( 1 ) to develop scientific afforestation planning .

  6. 介绍了三位一体群体指导模式的基本思想,提出了三位一体群体指导模式的实施方案和质量保障措施,并对实施效果进行了总结。

    Introduce the basic idea of the trinity graduate design mode , bring forward the actualize scheme and quality guarantee step , and summarize the effect of this mode .

  7. 根据在内蒙古自治区乌海黄河大桥的监理过程,介绍了深孔群桩中的重锤冲击的施工方法及整体质量保障措施,着重反映了根据不同地质特征利用重锤冲击方法处理深孔群桩的施工技术。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper introduced the construction methods and the quality guarantee measures of tension weight churning in the construction of deep-hole group piles .

  8. 研究第一步从西方发达国家中小学教师继续教育质量保障措施为起点,综合分析它们的共同点和有益经验。

    The first step of the study is to synthetically analyze their commons and beneficial experiences from quality assuring measures of continuing education in western developed countries ' primary and middle schools .

  9. 但是,在相似的气象条件下,奥运会前后实施的特殊的空气质量保障措施显著的降低了奥运会期间北京市的气溶胶的质量浓度、黑碳以及大部分元素和离子的质量浓度。

    However , under the similar meteorological conditions , the special measures did contribute significantly to the decrease of the concentrations of black carbon , most elements and ions in PM2.5 , as well as the aerosol mass .

  10. 总结了加筋土技术的施工控制要点,介绍了加筋土挡土墙和加筋土复合地基在施工过程中的质量保障措施和施工工艺,对类似工程的施工具有一定的参考价值。

    It summarizes the construction elements of reinforced earth technique , and introduces quality safeguards and construction technology of reinforced-earth retaining wall and reinforced-earth composite foundation in the construction process , which to offer a reference for similar engineering construction .

  11. 新形势下工科类毕业设计质量的保障措施

    The Supporting Measures for the Quality Control of the Graduation Design for Engineering Courses under the New Situation

  12. 简述了中山医科大学成教学院校外点办学的基本情况,对教学质量的保障措施作了较为详尽的阐述。

    The report made the brief introduction of the conditions at outside of our university , including the measurement of the quality control for the teaching .

  13. 水产养殖产品质量安全监管保障措施探讨

    Supervision measures on ensuring safety of aquaculture products quality

  14. CSP生产线的产品质量情况及质量保障措施

    Quality situation and assurance measures for CSP manufactured product

  15. 高职院校教育质量保障的内容和措施

    Contents and Measures of Education Quality Assurance in the Higher Vocational Institution

  16. 同时,本文对实施变电设备运行质量保证体系的保障措施进行了探讨。

    Meanwhile , this text explained in implementing the switchyard equipment operation quality certification system guarantee measure .

  17. 根据长沙市各个区域的不同特点针对性的提出了各个区域农田生态环境质量建设对策及保障措施。

    According to the different characteristics of each area of Changsha , construction countermeasures of field eco-environment quality in each area were provided .

  18. 在分析开放式控制器软件基本特点和目前控制器软件开发普遍存在的问题的基础上,提出了控制器软件质量保障的一些基本措施。

    After analyzing the character of controller software and the problem in development , some steps are given to ensure the quality of controller software .

  19. 本文讨论了两种质量保障的概念与措施:准入控制与评审,并且提供了澳大利亚质量评审的范例。

    This paper discussed two concepts and strategies for ensuring safety and quality of services : entry control and accreditation . The Australian quality assurance framework was illustrated as an example .

  20. 本文对高等教育质量保障体系要素和实施高等教育质量保障体系的措施进行了探讨。

    This paper deals with elements and measures of the quality insurance system of higher education .

  21. 我们运用发展性质量观分析我国民办高等教育的质量,并进而有针对性地提出加强民办高等教育质量保障的一些措施。

    In this notes , the author uses the view of developing quality to analyze the quality of our country 's civilian-run higher education and further puts forwards some measures for strengthening its quality .

  22. 为保障研究生教育的质量,在教育机构、经费投入、培养模式、评估体系等方面采取了多种措施。实践证明,日本所采取的研究生教育质量保障措施是卓有成效的。

    In order to achieve this goal , the Japanese Government adopted many corresponding measures in areas like educational institutions , financial input , cultivation mode , evaluation system and so on . As it proves , those measures are highly effective .