
zhì diǎn sù dù
  • particle velocity
  1. 拉格朗日电磁质点速度计及其测试技术

    Lagrangian Electromagnetic Particle Velocity Gauge and Measuring Technique

  2. 同时给出了塑性激波后方弹性卸载区内的应力和质点速度分布规律。

    Distributions of stress and particle velocity in the elastic unloading region behind the plastic shock wave are given as well .

  3. 应用于气炮上测量材料质点速度的恒磁质点速度计的研制

    A Particle Speedometer Used in Gas Gun Test

  4. 详细介绍应用恒磁质点速度计对有机玻璃冲击研究的全过程。

    In this paper the application of a permanent-magnet particle velometer in impact test for PMMA is presented in detail .

  5. 由计算得出的位移、质点速度、界面压力函数等可以看出,本文给出的理论和数值分析方法是实用和可靠的。

    The results of the displacement , velocity , and the collision pressure show that the present method is functional and reliable .

  6. 基于一维应力波理论,通过对桩顶实测质点速度波形及分析,可以了解桩身波阻抗分布,若已知桩身截面,可确定混凝土弹性模量的变化;

    Based on one-dimensional stress wave theory , pile impedance profile can be outlined by inverse analysis of particle velocity signal measured at pile top .

  7. 建立了线弹性组分连续变化梯度材料的波动方程、特征方程及特征线上应力、应变与材料质点速度的相容关系。

    The wave differential equation and its characteristic equation for linear-elastic functionally gradient material ( FGM ) with constituents varied continuously and smoothly were established .

  8. 在分析边坡岩体内部应力、质点速度等分布规律的基础上,指出边坡震动放大效应的不均匀性和边坡尺寸效应;

    Non-uniformity of the amplifying effect and dimension of the slope are pointed out through analysis of the distribution of the stress and sonic speed in the slope .

  9. 进而计算了圆孔中的声质点速度,并分析了孔中速度的畸变情况、最后给出了圆孔的非线性声阻和声抗的理论值。

    Furthermore , the time history and spectrum of the average flow velocity through an orifice are computed , from which the nonlinear distortion of flow velocity is analyzed .

  10. 本文介绍了岩体爆炸应力波测量的特点和使用的典型传感器,讨论了应力、应变和质点速度测量传感器设计和安装有关的回题。

    The features and typical transducers of measuring stress waves produced by explosion in rocks are presented in this paper . The problems of design and emplacement of stress , strain and particle velocity gages are discussed .

  11. 用电磁法测到了长杆不同位置处的质点速度波形,并运用拉格朗日分析方法进行处理,从而得到了有机玻璃和尼龙1010材料的动态应力应变曲线。

    The waveforms of particle velocity at different positions of long bars are measured by use of the electromagnetic method , and are treated with Lagrangian analysis . The dynamic stress-strain curves for PMMA and Nylon 1010 are obtained .

  12. 根据一维波动方程推导了双截面应变测试法测试一维杆中任一截面的应变和质点速度方程以及顺波和逆波方程;

    Based on one dimensional elastic equation , the identities are derived , in which the strain and particle velocity at any section are related to strain at two sections . And equations for waves travelling in the positive and negative directions are also derived .

  13. 最后,建立了隧道开挖爆破地震危害预测的BP神经网络预测模型,对爆破地震波质点震动速度进行了预测,指导了隧道开挖爆破施工的进行。

    Finally , a BP neutral network model which is fit for the prediction of tunnel blasting seismic is established , according to the prediction of particle velocity of blasting seismic , the tunnel excavation blasting is supervised to go smoothly .

  14. MEMS力学量传感器是一种环境适应能力极强的微机电器件,用三维MEMS力学量传感器可以测量动态质点的速度、加速度、摆角和倾角等参数。

    MEMS mechanical quantity sensor is micro-electromechanical device with high adaptive capacity to environment . Parameters such as velocity , acceleration , swing angle and tilt angle of dynamic particle can be measured by three-dimensional MEMS mechanical quantity sensor .

  15. 根据试验实测地点宏观调查结果及相关规范,将残留岩体的临界质点振动速度控制在3.5cm/s以下,就能保证残留岩体的稳定性。

    Based on the macroscopic investigation result of the experiment on the spot and relevant standards , the stability of the remnant rock mass can be guaranteed when the critical vibration velocity of the remnant rock mass is under 3.5 cm / s.

  16. 质点的速度和加速度与轨迹之间的关系

    The relationship of the path with velocity and acceleration of particles

  17. 钻孔爆破中质点振动速度的预测公式探讨

    Investigation on Formula of Predicting the Particle Vibration Velocity in Drilling Blasting

  18. 爆破质点振动速度回归计算优选系统

    Regression Calculation Priority System of Blasting Particle Vibration Velocity

  19. 谈球坐标系中质点运动速度、加速度公式的直接推导

    The Direct Deduction of Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle in Spherical Coordinate System

  20. 露天爆破运输平硐允许峰值质点振动速度的研究

    Research on Allowable Peak Particle Vibration Velocity for Transport Adit in Blasting in Open-Pit Mine

  21. 质点振动速度与主振频率在爆破监测中的应用

    Discussion on Application of the Peak Particle Velocity and Main Vibration Frequency in Blast Vibration Monitoring

  22. 利用振动监测数据优化预测爆破质点振动速度

    An Optimized Calculation of Particle Vibration Velocity by Means of the Vibration Data form Blasting Monitoring

  23. 采用现场监测与数理统计的方法,得出地表质点振动速度随距离的变化规律。

    The vibration laws of ground particles changed along the distance are got by the mathematical statistics method .

  24. 文章进行了工程实际验算,说明在主频率下,最大质点振动速度是真实的安全判据。

    Based on predecessor 's results , the method of blasting vibration safety criteria frequency is presented in this paper .

  25. 运用哥氏定理求解质点的速度和加速度,分析其物理内涵。

    It also uses the Coriolis Theorem to find out the velocity and acceleration of them and to analyze their intension in physics .

  26. 首先将波面方程、海水质点的速度用一阶波面分量的非线性组合表示。

    This is done by decomposing the wave profile and the velocities and accelerations of water particles into first and second order components .

  27. 通过有限元数值模拟,得到了含洞穴固体介质在动荷载下表面质点的速度响应。

    The surface particle velocity responses of a solid medium with a cavity under dynamic loads are numerically obtained by the finite element method .

  28. 本文论述了利用激光技术测量流体质点运动速度的基本原理,并设计了一种多光轴系统,用以检测质点的二维运动状态,以便研究二维流场的速度分布。

    The treatise expounds a system of laser , it is used for check about particle motion state and velocity distribution of two dimensional flow .

  29. 经对比分析,所得爆破地震波衰减规律公式预测的质点振动速度具有较高的精度。

    Through contrasting and analyzing , the particle vibration velocity were forecasted by the orderliness formula of attenuation of blasting earthquake wave is precise relatively .

  30. 文章利用球坐标系中单位矢量与直角坐标系中的单位矢量的关系给出了球坐标系中质点运动速度、加速度公式的直接推导。这将对力学、理论力学中有关内容的教学有所帮助。

    The article presents direct deduction of velocity and acceleration of a particle in spherical coordinate system , which helps the teaching of theoretical mechanics .