
  • 网络Proton Therapy;impt
  1. CT模拟技术在质子治疗中的应用

    The Application of CT Simulation in Proton Therapy

  2. 回旋加速器正被越来越广泛地应用于PET(Positronemissiontomography)诊断、同位素生产和质子治疗等医学领域。

    Cyclotrons are being widely applied in medical area , such as isotope production for positron emission tomography ( PET ), and proton therapy .

  3. 通过对医学文献进行分析后发现,质子治疗的适应症与常规X(γ)射线放疗相似,由于具有物理剂量学的特性,因而在治疗某些关键器官或临近关键器官的病变时具有显著优势。

    The indications of proton beam therapy are similar to that of conventional X (γ) ray radiotherapy . With its physical characteristics , proton beam therapy is significantly superior in the treatment of diseases located in or adjacent to critical organs .

  4. 诸如IMRT、质子治疗这样的技术,社会将需求,我们找到方法为寻找这类新技术功效的证据而进行的研究与开发付费。

    For technologies like IMRT and proton therapy , society is going to demand that we find a way to pay for the research and development needed to develop proof of efficacy and effectiveness .

  5. 建造质子治疗中心的关键要点

    Some key points concerning with the construction of Proton Therapy Center

  6. 在文的最后再简要地介绍当前国际上的已有的专用质子治疗中心近况。

    Finally briefly introduce the current existed international dedicated proton therapy center .

  7. 肿瘤质子治疗原理及临床应用

    Principle and clinical application of proton therapy in radiation oncology

  8. 当使用质子治疗可降低晚期并发症的风险时。

    When the risk of late comorbidities could be reduced with proton therapy .

  9. 固定束质子治疗病人摆位系统的精确性评估:等中心旋转运动

    The Accuracy Assessment of PPS in Fixed Beam Proton Therapy : Isocentric Rotation Movement

  10. 质子治疗装置的束流扩展研究

    Research for Beam Spreading of Proton Therapy Facility

  11. 质子治疗设备的现状和发展

    Current situation and development of proton therapy equipment

  12. 比较的放射治疗技术有传统光子治疗、电子线治疗和质子治疗等技术。

    The radiotherapy techniques compared were conventional photon therapy , electron therapy and proton therapy .

  13. 质子治疗装置和技术的发展

    Development of Proton Therapy Facilities and Tech-nology

  14. 质子治疗的疗效与适应症分析

    Therapeutic effect and indications of proton radiotherapy

  15. 现提出一种新的软调制双散射质子治疗束流配送系统。

    In this paper a new soft modulating and double scattering beam delivery system is proposed .

  16. 儿科脑瘤患者群必须确定质子治疗是否会更有效。

    Subsets of paediatric patients with brain tumours must be identified with respect to whether proton therapy treatment will be beneficial .

  17. 我认为质子治疗设备在亚洲国家的国际合作应该是将来一个重要的目标。

    I also think that international collaboration of proton therapy facilities in Asian countries might be an important goal in the future .

  18. 食道癌放疗剂量与疗效分析质子治疗的疗效与适应症分析


  19. 目前质子治疗的分类主要有质子适形及调强放疗、质子立体放射治疗、质子扫描照射等。

    Proton Therapy consists of Conformal Proton Radiotherapy , Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy , Stereotactic Radiotherapy , Proton Scanning Radiation and et al .

  20. 为了实现质子治疗,必须有一套比常规电子直线加速器更复杂,规模更大的质子治疗设备与系统。

    In order to understand the proton therapy it is necessary to have a proton therapy equipment and system , which is more complicated than the conventional electron LINAC .

  21. 本文首先简要地介绍质子治疗装置的系统原理,基本结构和当前国际上的质子治疗装备的商品供应概况。在此基础上进一步论述国际质子治疗装置的现状和当前的质子治疗装置研制发展。

    This paper briefly introduces the system principle , basic structure and the current international commercial products of the proton therapy facility , and reviews the up-to-date development of technology .

  22. 本研究的特定目的就是去评价质子治疗与当前先进的治疗手段在治疗前列腺癌的成本效应大小。

    The specific aim of this study was to examine the cost effectiveness of proton beam radiation compared with current state-of-the art therapy in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer .

  23. 围绕这个目标,近年来在放射治疗领域涌现出许多新方法,比如调强放疗、立体定向放射治疗,三维适形放疗,快中子治疗,质子治疗和硼中子俘获治疗等。

    Among these methods are Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy ( IMRT ), Stereotactic Radiotherapy Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy , Fast Neutron Therapy , Proton Therapy and Boron Neutron Capture Therapy ( BNCT ) .

  24. 质子放射治疗对肿瘤患者心电图的影响

    Effect of proton radiation therapy on electrocardiography of patients with tumor disease

  25. 高能质子加速器治疗系统应用中的环境安全问题

    The Problems of Environmental Safety for Applicationof High Energy Proton Accelerator Therapy System

  26. 立体定向质子放射治疗计划系统

    Treatment Planning System for Stereotactic Proton Therapy

  27. 用对比增强彩色多普勒超声监测肝细胞癌的质子放射治疗

    Monitoring of hepatocellular carcinoma , following proton radiotherapy , with contrast - enhanced color Doppler ultrasonography

  28. 化疗栓塞联合质子放射治疗肝癌合并门脉主干癌栓的临床应用

    Interventional chemoembolization combined with proton radiotherapy for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma accompanied with portal cancerous thrombus

  29. 结果质子放射治疗前无心电图异常的58例患者,治疗中及治疗后也无心电图异常;

    Result : Among 58 cases with normal electrocardiographic , there is no one showing the changes in electrocardiographic during and after proton radiation therapy .

  30. 方法对首期质子放射治疗的111例肿瘤患者(其中胸部肿瘤30例),在质子放射治疗前、后进行心电图监测并作分析。

    Method : The electrocardiography before and after proton radiation therapy in 111 patients with tumor diseases ( 30 patients with chest tumor ) were analyzed .