
  • 网络Sound Generator
  1. 智能仪器中的发声系统设计

    On The Design of The Vocal System in Intelligent Instruments

  2. 一种大功率超声波发声系统原理与结构设计

    Principle and structural design of a kind of high-power ultrasonic generating system

  3. 但是发声系统的自然度还有待进一步提高。

    However , the naturalness of speech voice needs to be improved .

  4. 在训练自己的发声系统时,要留意自己的语速。

    As you are training your vocal system , watch the speed of your speaking .

  5. 嗓音障碍的概念现在已经延伸至由呼吸系统、发声系统和共鸣系统共同作用的疾病。

    The concept of voice disorders is now expanded to disease combined with respiration 、 phonation and resonance system .

  6. 作为一种动物模型,鸟类发声系统能为人类语言学习等研究提供借鉴。

    Bird 's vocal system is a good animal model for studying human language and it can provide reference for human language learning .

  7. 而想要让训练有所成效,就必须进行大量的实践,直至思考、说话和发声系统都对这种方式习以为常。

    For any training to be fruitful , you need to do a lot of practicing until you get your system into a habitual pattern .

  8. 换言之,在你的发声系统发出声音的同时,你可能会接收到新的刺激,而该刺激会导致你改变后续要表达的内容。

    In other words , by the time your vocal system is to utter the sound of a sentence , you may get new stimulus which may cause you to change your substance for delivery .

  9. 对智能仪器中的发声系统进行了研究和归纳,详细介绍了发声系统的工作原理,并对简单的发声系统以及音乐演奏系统的硬件和软件系统进行了设计。

    The vocal system used in intelligent instrument was studied in this paper . The principle of the vocal system was introduced and the hardware and software applied in simple vocal system and musical-playing system were also developed in the study .

  10. 声门发声效率测量系统的研制

    The development of measurement system for glottal vocal efficiency

  11. 鸣禽发声学习的控制系统主要由一条直接神经通路和一条辅助神经通路组成。

    The song control system of songbird is mainly composed of direct pathway and acces-sory pathway .

  12. 声乐语言具备有声语言的一切特性,但它又有别于一般的生活语言,因为它为歌唱服务,所以歌唱语言的发声要求要有系统的知识,复杂的技术和灵活的手段。

    It is necessary that vocal language plays with system knowledge , complex skill and flexible ways because it serves singing .

  13. 本文介绍了一种按作者提出的唇部语音气流对数比声门发声效率原理设计出的声门发声效率测量系统。

    This paper introduces a measurement system of glottal vocal efficiency ( GVE ) designed according to the principle of speech-to-airflow logarithmic ratio at lip developed by authors .