
  • 【电工】limiting value
  1. 特高压避雷器用ZnO压敏电阻电压梯度限值的探讨

    Analysis on Voltage Gradient Limitation of ZnO Varistor in Ultra High Voltage Arrester

  2. 皂素工业废水COD(Cr)排放限值的研究

    Study on Limited Value of COD_ ( Cr ) Discharge from Sapogenin Industry Wastewater

  3. 公路PC箱梁腹板裂缝成因与混凝土应力限值研究

    Study of Crack Causes of Box Girder Webs and Concrete Stress Limit Values of Prestressed Concrete Highway Bridges

  4. 平台水处理DCS系统报警限值在线管理实现

    Realization of on-line Management of Alerting Critical Value in Platform Seawater Treatment DCS

  5. 再论SF6气体湿度的监控与限值

    Further Discussion on Monitoring and Threshold of Moisture in SF_6 Gas

  6. 结果:得出蜂产品生产商用ELISA法检验氯霉素含量的安全限值。

    Results : A safety limit for bee-product manufacturers using ELISA to test the content of CAP was obtained .

  7. 现有P级电流互感器适当提高制动系数,尽量减小二次负荷,提高额定准确限值系数等,都是行之有效的措施。

    All of these measures are effective such as increasing the braking coefficient of the P current transformer properly , reducing the quadratic charge and increasing the rated restrictive coefficient etc.

  8. 本文基于GPS网环闭合差三维坐标分量限值相等的前提,从理论上推证出水平分量限值和垂直分量限值的确切比例关系;

    Based on equal limit value of 3-D coordinate component , this paper derives the definite relation formula for horizontal component or vertical one .

  9. 宽带LAN平均响应时间限值与流量最大容限&三层协议模型近似解析

    Upper Limit of Mean Response Time and Maximum Traffic Capacity of Broadband LAN-Approximate Analysis of Three-layer Layer Protocol Model

  10. 根据CCD器件的参数,能够确定像元数据的误差限值。

    According to the CCD characteristic parameters , such as transmission efficiency , the CCD pixel error limits can be assured .

  11. 试验结果显示NOx和颗粒排放分别超出欧Ⅲ标准限值0.6%和14%。

    NOx and PM emissions exceed Euro 3 limits respectively by 0.6 % and 14 % .

  12. 关键限值应由haccp小组的有关成员批准。

    The key limit value shall be approved by the related members of HACCP team .

  13. 船用全电控柴油机满足IMONOx排放限值的试验研究

    The Experimental Study of Intelligent Marine Diesel Engine for Satisfaction to IMO NOx Emission Limit

  14. 并确定能保证关键控制点得到有效控制的关键限值和监控措施,制定HACCP控制表。

    The critical limits and monitoring procedures for the process were documented in an HACCP control table also .

  15. 由于Zn的浸出量超过标准限值,污泥液化残渣中的重金属仍有一定的环境风险。

    Now that the leaching content of Zn in liquefaction residues still exceeded standard value , the liquefaction residue still had some risk to the environments .

  16. 人体对CO2的分压敏感,用质量浓度表示接触限值在高原地区能够满足要求;

    In respect to the human body 's sensitivity to partial pressure of CO2 , the exposure limit expressed by mass concentration can satisfy the requirement .

  17. 目的探讨我国二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)的生物接触限值(BEI)。

    Objective To explore the biological exposure indices ( BEI ) of dimethylformamide ( DMF ) in China .

  18. 呼吁相关部门制定Ads职业接触卫生学评价标准及职业接触限值。

    We call on the relevant department to map out the hygienic evaluation criteria of professional contact with ADs and the restrictive value of professional contact .

  19. 道路两侧TSP中铅污染并未超出国家标准浓度限值,四个监测点年平均值0.383μg。

    TSP roads on both sides of lead pollution limits are not exceeded national standards , four monitoring points , the average 0.383 μ g.

  20. CMMB系统局端设备的电磁兼容限值和试验方法研究

    Research on Central Office Equipment 's Eletromagnetic Compatibility Tolerance and Testing Method in CMMB System

  21. 出水NH3-N浓度受到去除率波动变化的影响,不能稳定在一定限值范围内,始终在波动变化。

    The concentration of effluent NH3-N is influenced by removal rate , and can not be stable in a certain range .

  22. 方法:根据MCI的实际临床用药,确定其内毒素限值;

    Methods : According to MCI clinical administration for children , it was used as the limit of the bacterial endotoxin for MCI .

  23. 钢结构设计规范对热轧H型钢剖分T型钢轴心受压杆件腹板高厚比的限值做了修订。

    Revisions are made for the limitation of width to thickness ratio of cut T-type web subject to axial compression in the design code for steel structures , in which the assumptions for the theoretic deduction are not conservative enough .

  24. ICRP新剂量限值对氡子体职业性照射年照射量限值影响的探讨

    Study of influence of ICRP NEW dose limit on annual limit on exposure for occupational exposure to radon progeny

  25. PCT梁的横、竖向振动加速度值都不大,均在《铁路桥梁检定规范》规定的限值以内;

    The values of the lateral and vertical vibration acceleration of PCT beam are all under the safety limits regulated by Code for Rating Railway Bridges .

  26. 本文针对盾构隧道推进中引发的地表沉降采用PECK公式对其影响因素进行了讨论;根据有关规定的的地表不均匀沉降的限值,针对不同的隧道直径提出了上覆土最小厚度的经验公式。

    This paper employ the PECK formula to dicuss the key-factors of shield-tunnelling , proposes a experiential formula about the minimum depth of the covering-layer .

  27. 方法:采用联合药液的内毒素总量确定其细菌内毒素限值,通过干扰试验确定最大不干扰稀释浓度。margolisiDNA的最低浓度为034ngμL,从而初步建立了鉴定C。

    The diluted concentration of to be interfered maximally was established by interfering test . The DNA concentration of C.

  28. 一个远程限值控制YQL从第三方Web服务检索的记录的数量;一个本地限值控制YQL返回给调用应用程序的记录的数量。

    A remote limit controls the number of records retrieved by YQL from the third-party web service ; a local limit controls the number of records returned by YQL to the calling application .

  29. 本文主要按照HACCP体系监控要求对酱鸭生产过程进行危害分析,确定关键控制点,建立关键限值和有效的监测方法,从而生产出安全、优质的酱鸭。

    According to HACCP program , we analyzed hazard in the Sauce-duck processing , defined the critical control points , established critical limit and effective monitoring measures to produce safe and high quality Sauce-duck .

  30. 提速线3×80m单线下承连续钢桁梁的宽跨比限值为1/12.1。

    The limit value of width-to-span ratio for lateral rigidity of 3 × 80 m steel truss continuous beam is determined as 1 / 12.1 .