
  • 网络demystify;mysterious veil
  1. 揭开直觉的神秘面纱&从DNA结构发现的过程看直觉的运作机制

    Uncovering the Mysterious Veil of the Intuition & From the Process that Discovers the DNA Construction to See the Operation Mechanism of the Intuition

  2. 第二部分,掀开川康神秘面纱:周文小说的意义世界。

    Part II : Revealing Mysterious veil of Chuan Kang , Significant World of Zhou Wen 's novels .

  3. 该书旨在揭开医学治疗的神秘面纱。

    This book aims to demystify medical treatments .

  4. 我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱的激动心情。

    I think it the excitement only a free man can feel , a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain .

  5. 他试图在自己的文章中揭开围绕SOA的这些概念的神秘面纱。

    In his article he tries to demystify the concepts around SOA .

  6. 随着人们不断对公布的大量DNA序列进行分析和数据挖掘,基因的神秘面纱也随之揭开。

    As the DNA sequence has been constantly published and analysis , the veil of gene is uncovered .

  7. 揭开先进计划系统的神秘面纱企业资源计划(ERP)是先进管理的代表。

    Discussion of Advanced Planning and Scheduling System ERP is the symbol of advanced management .

  8. 揭开SAT的神秘面纱

    Unveiling the Mystery of the SAT

  9. 任天堂终于揭开了市场翘首以盼的全新家庭视频游戏终端&WiiU的神秘面纱。

    Nintendo pulled the wraps off its highly-anticipated new home videogame console , the Wii U.

  10. 但是毫无疑问,古代DNA研究是揭开人类历史神秘面纱非常有用且必不可少的工具。

    Nevertheless , ancient DNA can undoubtedly be a useful and necessary tool to unveil the mysterious migration history of human beings .

  11. 自从克拉克和沃森发现了DNA的双螺旋结构,基因的本质开始揭开其神秘面纱。

    Since Clark and Watson discovered the double helix structure of DNA , the nature of the gene had began to unravel its mystery .

  12. GT希望,揭下苹果硬罩在双方协议上的神秘面纱能有利于自己的案子。

    GT hopes that lifting the veil of secrecy that Apple has imposed will help its case .

  13. 在上周三(当地时间12月7日),福克斯在巴黎初次揭开了这部有望角逐奥斯卡的电影的神秘面纱,而首映的地点则是精心设计,让观众可以身临其中跟少年Pi一起体验奇幻漂流。

    Last Wednesday , the studio debuted the Oscar hopeful in Paris in a location best designed to bring the audience along for Pi 's journey .

  14. 黑莓手机生产商RIM预计将于1月30日正式揭开新手机以及黑莓10操作系统的神秘面纱。

    Rim is expected to formally take the wraps off the new device as well as the BlackBerry 10 operating system on January 30 .

  15. 大约10年前,我的一位前同事劳拉•里奇曾写过一本书:《意外的超级富豪:揭开保罗•艾伦的神秘面纱》(TheAccidentalZillionaire:DemystifyingPaulAllen)。

    Almost ten years ago , Laura rich , a former colleague of mine , wrote the accidental zillionaire : Demystifying Paul Allen .

  16. Polyphony与雪铁龙联手打造的GTbyCitroen概念车在巴黎车展上揭开了神秘面纱。

    Polyphony built jointly with the Citroen GT by Citroen concept car at the Paris auto show opened a mystery .

  17. iPhone4S是在苹果董事会主席史蒂芬乔布斯逝世前一天揭开神秘面纱的。起初iPhone4S被业界认为是失望之作,部分是因为它与之前的苹果iPhone系列看起来外型一样。

    Unveiled just a day before Apple Chairman Steve Jobs died , it was initially dubbed a disappointment , partly because it looked identical to its predecessor .

  18. 康泰纳仕(CondéNast)新成立的奢侈品电商网也即将揭开神秘面纱,坊间说公司投资1亿英镑巨资创建了这家电商平台。

    And Cond é Nast will soon unveil its newly branded style.com , a luxury e-commerce platform in which the company is reputedly investing 100m .

  19. 这款人形机器人看上去有点像迷你版的“米其林先生”(MichelinMan),在6月6号由日本电信巨头软银公司(Softbank)和法国机器人厂商阿德巴兰(Aldebaran)联合在东京商场向参观者揭开神秘面纱。

    The humanoid robot -- which looks slightly like a shrunken Michelin Man -- was unveiled to curious onlookers in Tokyo stores on Friday by SoftBank , a Japanese telecom giant and Aldebaran , a French robotics company .

  20. 在周一开幕的2015年上海车展上,雪佛兰揭开了FNR(这三个字母意为“找寻新路”,是该品牌的口号)的神秘面纱。

    Chevy unveiled the FNR ( it stands for " Find New Roads , " the brand 's tagline ) on Monday at the 2015 Shanghai motor show ;

  21. 我们对这些非比寻常的爆炸有多少认识?麻省理工学院的HETE卫星正如何帮助我们揭开其神秘面纱?

    What do we know about these bizarre explosions , and how is MIT 's HETE satellite helping us to unravel their nature ?

  22. 崭新的在上周的全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,苹果公司正式揭开了iOS7的神秘面纱。iOS7是苹果公司最新的移动操作系统。它的首次亮相,是在2007年的第一代iPhone手机上。

    Apple has officially taken the wraps off of iOS 7 at its Worldwide Developer Conference last week.iOS 7 is the latest version of Apple 's mobile operating system that debuted back in 2007 on the original iPhone .

  23. 我们准备着揭开生命起源的神秘面纱。

    We were going to unlock the secrets of how life began .

  24. 现代天气预报试图揭开气象学的神秘面纱。

    Modern weather forecasts try to take the mystery out of the meteorology .

  25. 揭开社会选择的神秘面纱&从阿罗不可能定理到现代福祉经济学

    Unveiling Social Choice : from Arrow 's Impossibility Theorem to Modern Welfare Economics

  26. 《地平线》正揭开我们的梦境的神秘面纱。

    Horizon uncovers the secret world of our dreams .

  27. 掀开西沙的神秘面纱

    Uncover the mystery veil of West Sand Archipelago

  28. 揭开生命的神秘面纱,拿出勇气直面面纱之下的种种问题。

    Unveil the secrets of your life and deal with them directly and frankly .

  29. 这样在自家里便能看到大自然是如何揭开奇迹般的神秘面纱的。

    See the nature unravel its wonders within the confines of your own home .

  30. 看来巨石阵似乎还不愿意将神秘面纱全部揭开。

    It seems Stonehenge isn 't ready to reveal all its secrets just yet .