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  • microchannel
  1. 由光辅助电化学刻蚀制备大面积p型硅微通道板

    Large Size P-type Silicon Microchannel Plates Prepared by Photo-Electrochemical Etching

  2. 基于微通道致冷的大功率LED阵列封装热分析

    Thermal Analysis of High Power LED Array Packaging with Microchannel Cooler

  3. 用微通道板的高灵敏软X射线出现电势谱仪

    A high-sensitive soft X-ray appearance potential spectrometer with a multichannel plate

  4. 跨临界CO2汽车空调微通道气体冷却器的设计开发

    Development of Microchannel Gas Cooler for Trans-critical CO_2 Automotive Air Conditioning

  5. 微通道反应器内Ni-Ru/ZrO2催化剂上CO选择性甲烷化

    Selective Methanation of CO over Ni-Ru / ZrO_2 Catalyst in Microchannel Reactor

  6. 测量毫微秒脉冲X射线的微通道板探测系统

    A nanosecond X-ray pulse detective system using microchannel plate

  7. 微通道板非晶态Al2O3电子透射膜

    Amorphous State Al_2O_3 Electron Transmission Film at the Input of MCP

  8. 微通道冷却器的设计采用微通道模型、水冷式激光二极管,用ANSYS软件进行设计。

    Microchannel model , water-cool laser diode , ANSYS software in design of microchannel condenser .

  9. 利用简单的一维模型,计算出X射线经微通道板后的反射效率等一系列聚焦参数。

    Using simple one-dimensional model , the parameters of the focusing properties such as the reflection efficiency can be calculated .

  10. 在他们的实验中,研究人员用包含DNA或微小的纳米粒子的水溶剂在波导微通道上冲洗。

    For their experiments , the researchers used water solutions containing either DNA or tiny nanoparticles , washing the fluids over the waveguide microchannels .

  11. 微通道板表面发雾的AES分析

    Analysis of microchannel plate fogging surface by Auger electron spectroscopy

  12. 微通道板电子透射膜工艺的AES研究

    Studies of Electron Transmission Film at the Input of MCP by AES

  13. 针对高功率二极管激光器(DL)的散热需求,对不同结构的微通道冷却器进行了模拟散热计算,优化了冷却器的结构参数。

    Structural parameter of micro-channel heatsink is optimized through numerical calculation .

  14. 微通道板行波选通分幅相机动态特性的Monte-Carlo模拟微通道板变换式像增强器

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of a Gated V-type MCP Framing Camera ; microchannel-plate inverter image intensifier

  15. 仿真结果表明,设计的V型微通道可满足激光二极管线阵的散热要求。

    The simulation results have been proved to be that V-shaped microchannel can improve the heat dissipation ability of the diode laser arrays .

  16. 针对超大功率LED的应用产品首次提出了两种主动式散热器:蜂窝微通道散热器和封闭式微喷散热器。

    For extremely high power LED light sources , two kinds of active cooling solutions , honeycomb micro channel and closed micro jet heat sinks were firstly proposed .

  17. 由于CO2热物性方面的特殊性,目前开发的CO2蒸发器多数采用紧凑式的微通道换热器。

    Since thermal properties of CO_2 are different to other conventional refrigerants , the compact mini-channel heat exchangers are usually chosen as the new developing evaporators .

  18. 通过采用计算流体力学(CFD)的方法,对微通道平行流气冷器内部流量分布特性进行了仿真研究。

    Using computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) simulation , flow distribution in a gas cooler with micro-channel parallel flow is studied .

  19. 在T型微通道内制备固体脂质纳米粒(SLN)的实验研究

    Preparation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles in T-Shaped Junction Microchannels

  20. 本文采用标准微电子机械系统(MEMS)加工工艺,设计并加工了一系列硅基正弦波纹微通道。

    In this thesis , a series of silicon-based sinusoidal wavy microchannels were designed and fabricated by the Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ) technology .

  21. 在渗透蒸发实验中,微通道内的NaA沸石膜表现出较好的渗透蒸发性能。

    The microreactor incorporated with the NaA zeolite membrane SS plate gave a excellent result in the pervaporation experiment .

  22. 本文介绍了适用于微通道电泳芯片系统的DNA测序软件的总体流程,重点描述了其中的信号处理与识别算法。

    In this paper , the total circuit of the software for DNA array test suitable for micro-channel electrophoresis chip system is introduced and the algorithm for signal processing and identification used in it is stressed .

  23. 该激光器采用九组激光二极管线阵列(LDA)侧面紧密环绕均匀排布的抽运结构,并用微通道热汇冷却技术冷却。

    A uniformly side-around arranged compact laser-diode-array ( LDA ) pumping structure with micro-channel heat-sink cooling was used in this laser .

  24. 基于Navier-Stokes方程的传统理论,把整个实验硅晶片上的所有并联微通道纳入计算区域,通过FLUENT商业软件对其进行数值模拟。

    Based on the conventional Navier-Stokes theory , the whole silicon substrate was included as the computation domain and was simulated by the commercial package FLUENT .

  25. γ射线针孔照相系统是用于诊断γ射线源或X射线源图像的重要手段,它主要由厚针孔、闪烁体、微通道板像增强器和CCD相机等器件组成。

    γ - ray pinhole imaging system is a major approach to diagnose the radioactive source . It mainly comprises four parts : thick pinhole , LSO scintillator , Microchannel-plate image intensifier and CCD camera .

  26. 通过SEM观察了筛板的微观形貌和拉伸断面,结果表明筛板内部存在大量空间分布的微通道,相邻颗粒通过烧结颈熔接在一起,颗粒间具有较强的结合力。

    Microstructure and tensile cross-section were studied by SEM . Results show that numerous spatial microchannels exist in the porous sheet ; neighboring particles are connected through necks , which have a strong tensile strength .

  27. 然后对微通道板的电子倍增特性进行研究分析,通过研究微通道板电子的倍增过程,分析了MCP二次电子发射系数及MCP增益的特性。

    We analysis the secondary electron multiplier for micro-channel plate in the first , and then analyzed and calculated the gain of Micro-channel plate .

  28. φ25mm二代微通道板增益性能改进

    Gain Performance Improvement of φ 25mm Generation ⅱ Microchannel Plate

  29. 传质模型的建立为微通道内SLN的制备及微通道设计提供了依据。

    The mechanisms of mass transfer provide a reference for the the preparation of SLN and the design of microchannel apparatus .

  30. 本文首先利用电化学刻蚀设备,制备微通道阵列,其次根据闪烁晶体的不同性质,选择出适合于本课题的闪烁晶体材料&CsI(T1)。

    And then scintillation crystal materials & CsI ( T1 ) is chosen which is suitable for this subject by the different nature of the scintillation crystal .