
  • 网络Microeconomics Analysis;microeconomic analysis;micro-economic analysis;Micro-economics Analysis
  1. 增量与平均量的比较在微观经济分析中的应用

    Applying on Microeconomics Analysis of Comparing with Increment Average

  2. 租约选择的微观经济分析

    An Micro-economic Analysis on the Choice of Leases

  3. 股市微观经济分析的模糊综合评价

    Research on Microcosmic Stock Economy Analyses by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  4. 我国生育率转变的微观经济分析

    A Microeconomic Analysis to the Fertility Transition of our Country

  5. 我国失业现状及微观经济分析

    The Status Quo of Our Country for Unemployment and its Analysis by Micro-Economic Theory

  6. 女性家庭地位的微观经济分析

    Microeconomic Analysis on the Family Status of Women

  7. 集装箱多式联运与综合物流系统形成与发展机理的微观经济分析

    A Microcosmic Economic Analysis on Formation and Developing Mechanism of Container-through-transport by Multi - ways and Integrated Logistics System

  8. 通过对关键词广告营销的微观经济分析,明确了企业关键词广告营销的成本与利润,为企业的宏观经济决策提供了重要的参考依据。

    Through a micro-economical analysis on keyword advertisement marketing , we indentify the cost and revenue measurement of keyword advertisement and provide an important foundation for enterprise macro-economical policies .

  9. 并进一步通过微观经济分析和计算机仿真的方法,在企业有限理性的假设之下,研究了需求多样性推动新兴技术演化的动力机制。

    Provided bounded rationality of the firms , the dynamic mechanism on how heterogeneity of demand pulls the evolution of emerging technology is analyzed using the computer simulation and microeconomic analysis .

  10. 探讨并提出了水资源需求的微观经济分析方法,研究了水资源需求函数、水价与节水、节水的经济学分析、合理水价的制定等问题。

    It lays a microeconomic basis for the analysis of water resources demand and probes into the water resources demand function , water price and water saving , economic analysis for water saving , etc.5 .

  11. 对法律的经济分析有三个角度:从经济决定论角度,从市场经济的制度基础角度,从微观经济分析角度。广义的经济分析法学应当将上述三个角度的分析都纳入其中。

    Three perspectives , namely economic determinism , institutional basis of market economy , and microeconomic analysis , come in the economic analysis of law , and are best included in general economic analysis of law .

  12. 在微观经济分析部分,明确指出主流经济理论中若干非持续性假定;外部性的存在使得社会资源配置效率低下,社会净福利遭受损失,是经济发展不可持续的根源。

    In analysis of microeconomic , a couple of unsustainable hypotheses existing in mainstream economic theories were pointed out definitely . Externalities decrease efficiency of resource allocation and damage net society welfare . They are the roots of unsustainable development .

  13. 文中在对发电机组成本/需求的微观经济分析基础上,建立了机组面对需求曲线的公式及求解方法,提出了机组市场价格控制区的新概念。

    By analyzing the cost curve and demand curve of generators from the viewpoint of microeconomics , this paper presents the algorithm to acquire the firm demand curve of generator , and derives a new concept-Market Price Control Scope of generator .

  14. 本文使用数据包络分析方法综合评价了黄金矿山的经济效益,为矿山的微观经济分析提供了有效可行的技术手段,计算结果合理有效,印证了矿山的生产经营实际。

    In this paper , we use DEA method to evaluate gold mine economic benefits , and offer an effective technical and microeconomic sytem analyzed tool . Preliminary mine information gives in the paper show that the method is an effective and reasonable , explains and verifies their practices .

  15. 住房养老保险模式及其微观经济效应分析

    Home Equity Pension Insurance Model and its Microeconomic Effect Analysis

  16. 金融风险及其微观经济理论分析

    Analysis on Financial Risks and Micro - Economy Theory

  17. 环境税收的微观经济效应分析

    The Analysis of Microeconomic Effects of Environmental Tax

  18. 多媒体投影教学的微观经济与效果分析

    Microcosmic Economy and Effect Analysis of Multimedia Projection Education

  19. 跨国公司并购中国企业的微观经济效应实证分析

    Empirical analysis on micro-economic impacts about cross-border company-merger and acquisition China 's company

  20. 主要思路是:首先,本文从微观经济理论出发分析外汇市场效率评价的标准;

    First , we brought forward the criterion of FX market based on economic theory ;

  21. 上市家电企业的微观经济杠杆应用分析

    An Application Analysis of the Boarded Electric Enterprises for Family Use with Microeconomic leverage coefficients

  22. 从两个层次对对外直接投资经济效应&即宏观经济效应和微观经济效应进行分析。

    And try to analysis overseas direct investment economic efficiency from two gradations : macroeconomic efficiency and microeconomic efficiency .

  23. 采用微观经济理论的分析方法,借助数学矩阵对学生选择与教育供应的相关性进行了探讨和研究。

    Adopt the analytical method of the tiny view economy theories , the choice that asks for help student 's consumer of mathematics matrix for high school carried on the study and researches .

  24. 本文从微观的农家经济分析入手,从各个角度论证了这一时期经营式农场的优势及其蓬勃发展。

    This article proceeds with microeconomic analysis of peasant family , and proves the advantages of the managing type farm of this period as well as the vigorous growing of it from various perspectives .

  25. 目前在宏观经济政策评价中,考虑环境因素和资源问题的研究与应用已取得较好的进展,而如何把环境因素纳入微观经济活动的分析与评价之中,尚有待研究。

    At present , the research and application on environment and natural resources have made progress in macro-economic policy evaluation . However , we should further study how to incorporate environmental factors into the analysis of evaluation of micro-economic activities .

  26. 微观经济理论的分析建立在企业竞争行为、产品价格和供求规律基础上,随着经济实践的发展博弈论、信息经济学及不确定性逐步引入。

    The analysis of micro-economics theory is based on corporation competition action , product price and rules of need and demand . With the develop-ment of economic practice , game theory , information economics and its uncertainty are taken in .

  27. 鉴于此,我们从投资银行业务入手,说明并购业务是投资银行的核心业务,重点论述投资银行在企业并购中的作用,并通过对中国宏观、微观经济环境的分析,提出相应的政策建议。

    So here Explain that merging business is kernel professional of investment bank . According to the analysis of macro and micro economy enviroment of China , Especially discuss the role of investment during the course of business merger , and at the same time give some counterpart advice .

  28. 而基于宏观经济变量的logit模型和基于微观经济变量的描述性分析都很好地验证了该结论。

    This conclusion has also been improved by the logit econometric model based on the Macroeconomic variables and descriptive analysis based on Microeconomic variables .

  29. 本文以液化天然气(简称LNG)为线索,从宏观的天然气市场的发展状况,中观的LNG行业竞争结构状况及微观的企业LNG经济分析三个方面论证新疆西部公司LNG项目实施的可行性。

    The author in the present paper expounds and proves the feasibility of implementing LNG Program in Xinjiang 's west company in the three aspects of development situation for natural gas market , competitive structure of LNG ( Liquefied Natural Gas ) sector and LNG economic analysis of enterprises .

  30. 这也是环境税经济效应对微观经济主体的作用分析。

    This is also the analysis of economic effects of environmental taxation to the micro-economic effect .