
  • 网络differential cross section;differential scattering;differential scattering cross-section;differential scattering cross section
  1. Murrell-Sorbie势下He-HCl碰撞体系微分散射截面的研究

    Study of the differential scattering cross sections of Murrell-Sorbie potential for He-HCl system

  2. 然后采用公认的精确度较高的CC近似方法,计算了He-HF碰撞体系的微分散射截面,计算结果与实验结果符合较好。

    Then the differential scattering cross sections for collisions between He atoms and HF molecules are calculated by using CC ( Close-Coupling ) method . The result of the calculation is in agreement with the existing experimental data .

  3. e-H碰撞微分散射截面的场论计算方法研究

    The quantum field theory method for e-H collide differential cross section

  4. 对慢电子与Kr、Xe和Rn的弹性散射总截面、动量转移截面和微分散射截面进行了计算。

    Employing partial wave method the elastic total , momentum transfer and differential cross sections have been calculated for Kr , Xe and Rn atoms .

  5. 当电子被光场俘获时,磁逆多光子非线性Compton微分散射截面为一恒定值。

    In extra-intense stationary laser field , when multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering is token between relativistic electron and photons , and electron is captured by the laser field , the differential scattering section is a constant .

  6. 利用第二玻恩近似方法(SBA)对激光场中eAr的散射进行了研究,计算了散射角为1°~26°,交换多个光子的微分散射截面。

    Electron scattering from argon in laser field is investigated employing the second Born approximation . The absolute differential cross section of e Ar scattering with one , two , and three photon exchange at scatering angles 1 °~ 26 ° are calculated .

  7. 把二级玻恩近似(SBA)的方法推广至圆极化激光场,计算了发生多光子交换时的激光辅助电子被氦原子散射的微分散射截面。

    In this paper , we extend the second Born approximation ( SBA ) to circular polarization laser , calculate the differential cross section ( DCS ) of laser assisted e He with multiphoton exchanging and analyze the results .

  8. 本文利用二阶玻恩近似方法(SBA)对激光辅助e-Ar的碰撞进行了研究,在两种特殊的散射几何G1和G2下,计算了交换多个光子的微分散射截面。

    Electron scattering from argon in laser field is investigated employing the second order Born approximation . The absolute differential cross sections of e Ar scattering with multi photon exchange in the special geometries G 1 and G 2 are calculated .

  9. 然后采用CC近似方法计算了He-HCl碰撞体系的微分散射截面和分波散射截面,并总结了分波散射截面的变化规律。

    Then the differential and partial scattering cross sections for collisions between He atoms and HCl molecules have been calculated by using CC ( Close_Coupling ) approximation method . Finally , the law governing the changes of the partial scattering cross sections has been given .

  10. 然后采用量子密耦(Close-Coupling)方法分别计算了He-HF碰撞体系在五种不同势能模型下的微分散射截面、分波散射截面和总截面,并对计算结果进行了详细的比较和分析。

    The differential , partial and total scattering cross sections for collisions between He atoms and HF molecules have been calculated respectively by using the quantum close-coupling method at five different potential models , and the calculated results have been compared and analysed in detail .

  11. 用密耦近似方法对He-HF、He-HCl和He-HBr三个碰撞体系进行计算,得出了各种微分散射截面、分波截面和总散射截面,并将计算结果进行讨论和分析。

    All differential cross sections ( DCS ), partial wave cross sections ( PCS ) and total scattering cross sections ( TCS ) have been achieved by using close-coupling approximation method to calculate the three systems , and results above have also been discussed and analyzed .

  12. 氢原子三重微分散射截面与能量分配的关联

    Relation of Triply Differential Cross Section of Hydrogen Atom and Energy Distribution

  13. 微分散射截面测量中气压效应的修正

    Correction of Pressure Effect for Measurement of Differential Cross Section

  14. 最后,引入碎裂函数并给出了带电强子的微分散射截面分布。

    Lastly , fragmentation function is introduced and the differential cross sections of charged hadrons are considered .

  15. 一氧化碳分立跃迁的光学振子强度和微分散射截面研究

    A study of optical oscillator strengths and differential cross sections in the discrete region of carbon monoxide

  16. 量子凝聚体的量子关联与微分散射截面之间的关系

    The Relation between the Quantum Correlation of the Quantum Condensate Object and the Differential Scattering Cross Section

  17. 利用计算的二阶微分散射截面讨论了软碰撞、电子俘获到入射离子连续态、两体相遇碰撞等碰撞电离机理。

    The ionization mechanism of soft_collisions , electron captured to continuum states and binary_encounter collisions are also displayed .

  18. 硅片表面球形粒子散射及微分散射截面的研究

    Calculation and analysis of light scattering and differential scattering cross section from a spherical particle on silicon wafer

  19. 按照辐射场的量子理论,给出了三光子过程的微分散射截面。

    Based on the quantum theory of radiation , the differential scattering crosssection in the process of three-photon is presented .

  20. 利用量子力学中的二阶微扰理论,推导出了微分散射截面的表达式,给出了跃迁过程的选择定则。

    The expressions of the differential cross section are given using the second-order perturbation method and selection rule is studied .

  21. 共极化微分散射截面与交叉极化微分散射截面的比值随降雨率的增大而增大。

    The ratio of co-polarization differential scattering section to cross-polarization differential scattering section increases versus the increase of rain rate .

  22. 利用三阶微扰的理论给出了微分散射截面的表达式,并给出了散射过程的选择定则。

    Using the third-order perturbation method , the expressions of differential cross section are derived and the corresponding selection rules are given .

  23. 算得的微分散射截面(散射角从10°到170°)与实验数据符合得很好。进一步说明了电子与原子碰撞的等效势模型在计算电子散射的角分布上也是很成功的。

    The numerical results for differential cross-sections from scattering angle of 10 ° to 170 ° are in good agreement with experiments .

  24. ~3He(~4He)-H2碰撞体系的相互作用势及微分散射截面的理论研究

    Theoretical study of the interaction potential and the differential scattering cross sections for ~ 3He ( ~ 4He ) - H_2 system

  25. 在获得单圈图和链图传播子的精确结果后,将结果代入树图传播下的微分散射截面的表达式,得到了单圈和链图传播下的微分散射截面的表达式。

    As obtaining the result of single-loop and chain propagator , we have the result plugged in the differential cross section formula .

  26. 通过对场进行矢量球谐函数展开,就基片上缺陷粒子的光散射问题展开讨论,推导求解出散射系数及微分散射截面。

    The scattering coefficient and differential scattering cross section ( DSCS ) are derived by expanding the field with the vector spherical harmonic function and discussing the light scattering from the defect particals on the wafer .

  27. 在激光场的极化方向都平行于入射电子方向这种特殊的散射模式下,计算得到了电子-原子自由-自由跃迁过程微分散射截面与激光场的相位、交换光子数之间的关系。

    These relations of differential cross sections of e-Ar , phase and commutative photon are obtained in a special scattering geometry ( the incident electron beam is parallel to the polarization direction of the laser field ) .