
sēng mào xì bāo
  • mitral cell
僧帽细胞[sēng mào xì bāo]
  1. parvalbumin在外网织层最明显,僧帽细胞层中有少量,在小球层很少;

    Parvalbumin is mostly found in external plexiform layer , some in mitral cell layer , few in glomerular layer .

  2. calretinin在小球层、外网织层、僧帽细胞层、内网织层、粒细胞层都有分布,嗅神经层无阳性;

    Calretinin is found in glomerular layer , external plexiform layer , mitral cell layer , internal plexiform layer and granule cell layer except olfactory nerve layer .

  3. 切断外侧嗅束后嗅球中僧帽细胞内B-50(GAP-43)mRNA的表达

    Elevated expression of B-50 ( gap-43 ) - mrna in a subpopulation of olfactory bulb mitral cells following axotomy

  4. 本工作用原位杂交方法研究大鼠嗅球中僧帽细胞(一种CNS神经元)损伤后,B-50(GAP-43)mRNA表达的变化。

    Using in-situ hybridization method , We studied B-50 ( GAP-43 ) mRNA expression following lesion of olfactory bulb mitral cells in rats .

  5. 结论:随着年龄的增长,嗅球中抗凋亡基因Bcl-2蛋白表达显著减少,提示凋亡与嗅觉老化的密切关系。推测嗅球中僧帽细胞的凋亡可能是老化性嗅觉障碍的重要因素之一。

    Conclusion . The expression of gene Bcl 2 was decrease in group old rats which suggested that there had relationship between the apoptosis of olfactory bulb cells and age old .

  6. 结果RIM3γ的mRNA主要表达在丘脑腹后外侧核、嗅球的僧帽细胞层、大脑皮质躯体感觉区的第Ⅱ~Ⅳ层及在小脑的颗粒层和脊髓后角的边缘层区域。

    Results RIM3 γ mRNA was preferentially expressed in lateral posterior thalamic , mitral layer of the main olfactory bulb , layers ⅱ - ⅳ of somatosensory cortex , the granula layer of the cerebellum and the superficial layers of the spinal cord dorsal horn .

  7. 僧帽细胞电位发放的模型分析

    The Model Analysis of Potential Spike on Mitral Cells

  8. 而外侧嗅束切断后,大量僧帽细胞逐渐退化。

    A large proportion of the mitral cells gradually degenerated subsequent to LOT transection .

  9. 猫嗅球外丛层和僧帽细胞层年龄相关形态学变化

    Age-related Morphological Changes of External Plexiform and Mitral Cell Layer in the Olfactory Bulb of Cats

  10. 透射电镜下1周组大鼠嗅球内僧帽细胞线粒体破坏,细胞变性、坏死;

    In the 1st week group , the mitral cells ' mitochondria injury and metamorphism were found .

  11. 结论嗅球僧帽细胞层发出纤维投射到同侧梨状皮质。

    The Strings of Multi-Shell Buckyballs Conclusion The fiber of olfactory bulb project to the homonymy piriform cortex .

  12. 僧帽细胞胞体周围未见有明显阳性颗粒,纤维层和髓层不着色。

    The negative reations were found in fibrial and medullary layers , either around the body of mitral cells .

  13. 第二部分有关项链嗅觉系统转基因小鼠的构建项链嗅觉系统由嗅觉系统中一类特殊的嗅觉感觉神经元和它们对应的僧帽细胞等突触后细胞组成。

    The necklace olfactory system is formed by a group of specialized olfactory sensory neurons and their corresponding post-synaptic neurons , like mitral cells .

  14. 甘肃鼢鼠和根田鼠副嗅球的显微结构由肾丝球层、外网织层、僧帽细胞层、内网织层和颗粒细胞层五种结构组成。

    The microstructures of accessory olfactory bulb of Gansu zokor and root vole are composed of glomeruli layer , external plexiform layer , mitral cell layer , internal plexiform layer and granule cell layer .

  15. 原因就在于不仅某些蛋白质与碳氢化合物、而且包括易挥发的化学物(即各种有气味的东西)混合物,停留在鼻腔粘液上,再经由神经元,传送至位于眼睛后面嗅球中的僧帽细胞。

    This happens because a combination of volatile chemicals , or " odorants " , as well as some proteins and hydrocarbons , having landed on the mucus of your nasal passages , are transferred via helpful neurons to the mitral cells of your olfactory bulb situated behind your eyes .

  16. 在气味反应变化方面,胆碱能神经元的激活能够锐化大部分僧帽/丛状细胞的调谐曲线,却总体广泛增强了球周细胞和颗粒细胞的气味反应。

    In addition , cholinergic activation sharpens the olfactory tuning curves of a majority of M / T cells but broadly potentiates odor-evoked responses of PG cells and granule cells .