
sēng tú
  • monk;Buddhist monks
僧徒 [sēng tú]
  • [monk] 僧侣、和尚的通称

僧徒[sēng tú]
  1. 僧徒急忙将其赶下座来,随即罢免了他的堂任,叫他厨下干活。

    Buddhist monk rush , down seat come it in a hurry , fire hall of him let , ask him work under the kitchen immediately .

  2. 于是,他叫僧徒们外出化缘,集资铸钟,希望拾得也能听到寒山寺的钟声。

    He was overjoyed and asked the monks of his temple to go begging for donations so that a bronze bell could be cast for the Cold Mountain Temple , hoping that its strokes could reach the ears of Shi De.