
sēng yuàn
  • Buddhist temple;Buddhist monastery;temple
僧院 [sēng yuàn]
  • [temple;Buddhist monastery] 佛教寺庙、寺院的总称

僧院[sēng yuàn]
  1. 你若能为我僧院除了这条祸根,正是三生有幸了!

    If you can rid our monastery of this scourge , that would be a great happiness for us !

  2. 去一家僧院看什么佛像。

    On his way to see some Buddhist statue at some monastery .

  3. 远离4号洞是一条小峡谷和一座僧院,由几个寺庙组成。

    Beyond the fourth cave are a small ravine and a monastery , consisting of several temples .

  4. 一位僧侣在这个僧院度过了他的第一个十年之后,来到主持僧侣面前。

    After spending his first ten years at the monastery , one monk went to the head monk .

  5. 历史记载,在这些山里曾经可能有10座僧院,但如今已无踪迹。

    Historical writings suggest that there may once have been as many as10 monasteries in these hills , but today there is no trace of them .

  6. 是的,她是一位虔诚的佛教徒,我记得她告诉我她已退隐于一间僧院中。

    PEI : Yes , she was a devout Buddhist and I remember her taking me with her to one of her regular retreats in a monastery .

  7. 主要的僧院一般支持下面的学科:哲学、教义、礼仪;医学、数学、天文学、占卜;以及鬼神学和鬼神压抑。

    Major monasteries supported four colleges : philosophy , doctrine , and protocol ; medicine ; mathematics , astrology , and divination ; and demonology and demon suppression .

  8. 看起来有300个这类孩子在实验室中培育出来并在成年后带有大头颅,并在特别的僧院中由特殊的老师抚养长大。

    There appears to be300 of these children spawned in laboratories and who matured with larger heads and were kept in special monasteries and raised by special teachers .

  9. 高等阶段的教育只有在一些主要的僧院中有,要获得正式的学位一般需要多年时间。这期间的学习内容涉及逻辑和辩论方面的训练。

    Higher-level education was available in the major monasteries , and often many years were required to complete formal degrees , which included training in logic and debate .

  10. 接着他们就动身去找一间过夜的小屋,当他们到达山谷时,附近僧院的钟声刚刚响过十二点,人们都停止了歌唱。

    Then they went on their way to seek out a place to spend the night . They had just arrived in the valley when the bell from a neighboring monastery struck twelve . The singing ceased instantly .