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sēnɡ zhònɡ
  • Buddhist monks
僧众 [sēng zhòng]
  • [Buddhist monks] 众多僧人

  1. 很快我就注意到有佛教的僧众和他们的学徒们身穿法袍,每天托钵乞食。

    Shortly after we arrived there , I began to see the Buddhist monks and the apprentices who would wear the saffron robes and would go out each day to ask for their meals .

  2. 他对所有的年轻僧众都十分慈悲、仁爱,常常同他们嬉戏、说故事。

    He was compassionate and kind to all the young monks , playing and telling stories .

  3. 拉布有较高的佛学造诣,在广大僧众中有很高的威信。

    Lhabu has made important achievements in Buddhist studies , and enjoys great popularity amongst other monks and lamas .

  4. 佛寺林立,佛徒众多,晨钟暮鼓,香烟燎绕,颇引一些虔诚僧众来此观光求法;

    Buddhist temple forest , Fotu many Chenzhong Mugu , Liao cigarettes around , with quite a number of devout monks to come here for sightseeing ;

  5. 它在形式上固然是一种佛教僧众的集团,然而在精神上,它是融合礼乐的真义和佛教戒律的典型。

    Though it takes the form of monastery , in essence it 's a typical example of the combination of Confucian teachings of etiquettes and music and the Buddha commandments .

  6. 这是为了维护和延长大师的语言所采用的有效方法,这将使得教团和僧众之间一样和谐。

    In order to safeguard and perpetuate the word of the Master an effective methodology had to be evolved which would ensure the unity of the teaching as well as the concord among fellow monks .