
  • 网络zonal winds
  1. 沙漠黄土边界带风成沙再生法单片技术等效剂量分布风把沙漠的沙吹来,堆积成一片幼沙土。

    Equivalent dose distribution of aeolian sand using regenerative - dose single-aliquot protocol A fine soil was deposited by winds carrying desert dust .

  2. 定量分析表明,在此时间尺度上,大气环流中带风的作用对日长变化的贡献约为87%。

    From statistical analysis and test , it is shown that the fluctuation on this time scale possesses the characteristic of stochastic moving .

  3. 带分散风机控制和直流输电的海上风电场并网控制

    HVDC grid-connection control of offshore wind farm with dispersed wind turbine control

  4. 梳棉机带吸风装置的后固定盖板系统对成纱质量的影响

    The influence of back stationary flat system with suction device in a carding machine on the yarn quality

  5. 在机架上,发动机通过传动带连接风机和驱动轮;

    On a frame , an engine is connected with a fan and a driving wheel by a transmitting belt ;

  6. 平均粒径的粗细波动体现了海岸带冬季风强度的旋回变化,进而反映了区域气候的干冷暖湿变化。

    The variation of mean grain size demonstrates a cycle changes of winter monsoon intensity , and then indicate the region climatic wet and dry changes .

  7. 他使云雾从地极上腾,造电随雨而闪,从府库中带出风来。

    He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth ; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses .

  8. 本文采用雷诺应力模型对某带双层风幕的立式超市陈列柜的流场和温度场进行了仿真计算和实验验证。

    The velocity field and temperature field of the display case are simulated with the RSM ( Reynolds Stress Model ) and verified by experimental results .

  9. 汽车驶过带起的风吹乱了她的头发。

    The wind from the car 's motion whipped her hair around her head .

  10. FNL资料分析表明,在锋区内存在1个较大的水平温度梯度带,水平风切变明显。

    According to the FNL ( Final Analysis ) data , the cold front was found to have a typical horizontal and vertical structure with a maximum temperature gradient and obvious wind shear .

  11. 碱式硫酸铬的造粒干燥装置&带附壁风的压力式喷雾干燥器

    A granulating device for drying of chromic sulfate basic salt Carring adhesive wind and pneumatic - type spray dryer

  12. 冬天经过撒哈拉吹到非洲w海岸的带着沙子的风。

    A dusty wind from the Sahara that blows toward the W coast of Africa during the winter .

  13. 带TLD构随机风振响应的解析解

    Analytic solution to random wind-induced response of structures with TLD

  14. 该方法可用于带TLD结构的风振与抗风可靠度分析以及基于可靠度约束的抗风优化设计。

    The analysis of wind-induced vibration and reliability of wind protection and optimization design of the structures with TLD could be done by using this method .

  15. 带索高耸结构风振的合理分析和实用方法研究

    The Research of Reasonable Analysis and Practical Methods for Tower Structures with Cables

  16. 带中间接轴风机转子的找中心方法

    Alignment Method of Fan Rotor with Internal Connected Shaft

  17. 你得带我去兜兜风。

    You have to take me for a ride .

  18. 带着露水,风中摇曳。

    With dew , in the wind .

  19. 查莉不肯睡觉,所以我想我该带她出去兜兜风。

    Charlie can 't sleep , so I thought I 'd take her out for a drive .

  20. 进行了气垫带式输送机专用风机的设计,并对研制的专用风机样机进行了空气动力性能试验和现场工业试验。

    The special blower for air cushion belt conveyor is designed and air kinetics performance test and field industrial test of the designed blower are conducted .

  21. 射击的同时还带着一些益智风彩,赢得金牌,征服地球,成为宇宙岩石联赛的冠军!

    The shooting also took some wind Puzzle Choi won the gold medal , to conquer the Earth , the universe of rock into the Champions League !

  22. 根据现场观测和工程实践,论述了风氧化带内煤层开采时,覆岩破坏移动特征,风化带岩石属性和风氧化带内煤层安全开采机理的定性、定量分析。

    Based on testing data in worksite and engineering practice , the strata damage movement characteristics , rock properties of weathered zone and qualitative and quantitative analysis of the mechanism of coal layer safety extraction in efflorescent oxygenized belts were discussed .

  23. 西风带和季风降水都受两半球副热带辐散源的驱动影响,冬季风加强北半球的西风带,进而加强西风带降水,夏季风则削弱北半球西风带和其降水;

    Both of the westerlies and the monsoon are driven by the divergence source and the convergence sink at subtropical region . The winter monsoon enhances the westerlies and its precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere while the summer monsoon has completely the opposite case .