
wǔ lín ɡāo shǒu
  • martial arts master
  1. 但是这个开发平台就象一个武林高手,将众多的先进技术集于一身,承前启后,如ADO、ADO。

    But this platform like a martial art superior , gather many advanced techniques in his own body , such as the ADO , ADO .

  2. 如想成为一位有内涵的武林高手,请加入本中心为你而设的武术训练课程。

    Be a Kung Fu master ! Please join our courses .

  3. 怎么?我们学校也有一位武林高手?

    What ? Our school also has a Kongfu master ?

  4. 要成为一个好的武林高手,你必须掌握平衡。

    To be a good warrior , you must bring it all into balance .

  5. 因此,在青城山修炼的道士中,出现了很多武林高手。

    Therefore , there were so many masters of martial arts who trained in Qingcheng Mountain .

  6. 二师姐,这么多武林高手,你最想见谁?

    My second sister , of all the masters , who do you want to meet most ?

  7. 看了一部很带劲儿的动作片,勾起了儿时立志要当武林高手的冲动

    Watched an awesome action movie , which reminded me again of my childhood dream to become a Kungfu master

  8. 我来翻译山青水秀的和平谷里住着一群武林高手。

    Li of elegant green mountain water peace grain living is burning a group of the world or circle of wushu past master .

  9. 历史上,沧州武林高手辈出且讲义气,重武德,从不持强凌弱,各地武林同道称道再三。

    In history , Cangzhou master-hands emerged in every generation , who reputed for their attaching great importance to moral about wushu and never using their strength to bully the weak .

  10. 兄弟之情、刀光剑影、大口喝酒、大块吃肉……提到“江湖”,你的脑海中或许会浮现出这些。“江湖”一词,指的是《水浒传》等故事中武林高手的世界。

    Brotherhood , glittering swords and knives , drinking bowls of liquor and eating chunks of meat ... these are the things that are likely to enter your mind when it comes to jianghu , a word referring to the community of martial artists in stories such as Heroes of the Marshes ( 《