
nǐ zuò
  • Proposed;a work done in the manner of a certain author
拟作 [nǐ zuò]
  • [a work done in the manner of a certain author] 摹仿别人风格或以别人的口吻写的作品

拟作[nǐ zuò]
  1. 管有适合及拟作吸食鸦片的器具

    Possession of equipment fit and intended for smoking opium

  2. 画中有的是主观投射、偶然撮合、拟作与挪用。

    My works are mostly related to subjective perspective , accidental convergence , imitation and appropriation .

  3. 其次介绍《长安有狭斜行》系列拟作发展概况。

    Followed , introduce the development of the series works of Chang An has narrow oblique .

  4. 为此本文拟作以下探讨:第一部分,着重探讨博物馆之友的内涵。

    For this reason this article intends to explore the following : The first part focused on the contents of the Friends of the Museum .

  5. 随着社会的发展,居住权更受关注,拟作一定的分析并作出更为理性的思考。

    Along with society 's development , the right of occupancy receives pays attention , works modelled after certain analysis and makes a more rational ponder .

  6. 那个老人讲述了那时候他们到唐人街去吸鸦片烟的事情。管有适合及拟作吸食鸦片的器具

    The old man told about the days when they went down to Chinatown to hit the pipe . possession of equipment fit and intended for smoking opium

  7. 第一章对拟作进行界定,并将其与代言、抄袭剽窃作了比较区分,认为仿拟是指以某一作家或作品为范本,追求与之求同存异的创作过程。

    In the first chapter , the author defined imitation as a procession of one take others ' works as the example , compared with several confused concepts .

  8. 本文对它们的真伪问题重加考辨,认为判定它们为后人拟作或假托的证据都不能成立。

    This essay makes a careful study of the authenticity of the two works and finds no evidence which can prove that they were not written by Li Ling .

  9. 拟作是汉代述与作的矛盾冲突、经学保守思维以及文人的创作观念、审美情趣、好胜心理在创作中的反映。

    The imitation contradiction between say and creation , the conservative Confucian Classics of creative thinking , as well as the concept of the literary , aesthetic taste , psychological reflection of the creation .

  10. 任何人不得在私营街市内竖设任何构筑物,或放置任何物品或车辆,以致对该街市内任何拟作公众出入之用的通路或空地造成妨碍。

    No person shall erect any structure or place any article or vehicle in a private market so as to cause thereby obstruction in any passageway or open space therein intended for access by the public .

  11. 又通过梳理历代对《古诗十九首》的拟作,发现拟作分就题发挥和用古人格作自家诗两种类型。

    And by combing history for " Nineteen ," the intended , found to be as divided " on the title to play " and " make their own personality with the ancient poem " types .

  12. 拟作是汉代文体发展中独特而重要的创作现象,汉代主要文体均被反复拟作,汉代的主要文人也均有模拟之作。

    The development of the Han Dynasty style creations unique and important phenomenon , the main styles of Han Dynasty were repeatedly proposed to be , it was important to also have a simulation of the literati .

  13. 以具有历史意义的文学自觉为视角,研究汉魏晋时期的拟古之风,从而发掘出拟作在历史发展过程中的积极意义与独特价值。

    To the historic perspective of literary consciousness , studying the style of Han , Wei , Jin period archaism , and thus intended to explore the positive and unique value of the history of the development process .

  14. 宋代古题乐府特指宋人拟作汉魏六朝隋唐时期乐府古题的诗歌,它是乐府诗史的重要组成部分,也是中国古代诗歌的重要组成部分。

    Song Dynasty Ancient Title Poems of Yue-fu refers specifically to the intended theme of Han , Wei and Six Dynasties of ancient verse poetry , it is an important part of the Song , but also an important verse poetry stage of development .