
  1. 大殿上塑着三尊佛。

    There are three Buddhas in the main hall of the temple .

  2. 这排塑像从左数起,第三尊是黑王子。

    In this row of statues , the third from the left is the black prince .

  3. 大殿当中供的佛像一定是三尊,一尊佛两尊菩萨。

    In the center of the main cultivation hall , there are three statues , one Buddha and two Bodhisattvas .

  4. 后人在马尾遗址修建“中国船政博物馆”,开门可见三尊铜像,分别就是左宗棠、沈葆桢和胡雪岩。

    When the descendants built " China dockyard Museum " on Ma Wei site , they saw three bronze statues , Zuo Zongtang , Shen Baozhen , Hu Xueyan , respectively .

  5. 记住三个“尊”:尊敬你本人;尊重别人;坚持尊严,对自己的行动负责;

    Remember the three " respects " . Respect yourself , respect others , stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior ;

  6. 亚马逊将Fire上的视频分成三大类:尊享即时视频,电影和电视节目。

    Amazon breaks up the video section on the Fire into three main categories & Prime Instant Videos , Movies and TV Shows .

  7. 其主要表现在三个方面:尊道贵德是生存智慧的前提;

    It manifests on three aspects : the prerequisite of the living intelligence is to respect and value morality ;