
  1. 我是“三落三起”。

    I was toppled three times and rehabilitated three times .

  2. 那是我在这场比赛中的第三落网球。

    That 's my third net-shot of this game .

  3. 从1952年到2001年的σ值变化,整体上表现为三落三起的态势。

    The shape of the curve of value is " three down and three up " as a whole from 1952 to 2001 .

  4. 那是他在这局中的第三个落网球。

    That 's his third net-ball in the game .

  5. 为了客户的方便与长远利益,我们提供了三种落盘渠道,包括传统电话、网上交易和音频电话,力保客户落盘渠道有弹性及畅通无阻。

    We are here in all means to provide you with flexible , efficient and effective trading channels including traditional telephone calls , internet ( e Trade ) and IVR ( electronic telephone ) .

  6. 雷切尔星期三下午参加落网球比赛。

    Rachel 's playing in a netball match on Wednesday afternoon .

  7. 受害者从三层楼落在地面上。

    The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground .

  8. 在第三天太阳落山之前。

    Before the sun sets on the third day .

  9. 包产到户三起三落的历史启示

    The Historical Moral of the Three Ups and Downs of Labour Contracted to the Family

  10. 三追求豪华落尽的艺术趣味。

    The pursuit of simple art effect .

  11. 第三,古村落文化遗产的认定和保护具有构建文化审美和文化资源开发的意义。

    Third , the ancient villages built cultural heritage conservation and cultural resource development of aesthetic significance .

  12. 篮球在美国的运动排名上始终一直位居第三,远远落在棒球和美式足球之后。

    Basketball has always been a distant third in sports rankings in the United States behind baseball and American football .

  13. 她抬头向窗外望去,一不留神,针刺进了她的手指,红红的鲜血从针口流了出来,有三点血滴落在飘进窗子的雪花上。

    As she sewed she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle . Three drops of blood fell into the snow .

  14. 他们这样来积累资金,使农民的生产积极性受到极大的损害。受害者从三层楼落在地面上。

    This method of capital accumulation has seriously dampened the peasants ' enthusiasm for production . The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground .

  15. 凯斯宾虽然为其他三个还落在普格奴隶船上的人难受,但在那一天余下的时间里,他却禁不住感到十分愉快。

    Caspian was sorry for the others languishing in the hold of Pug 's slave-ship , but he could not help finding the rest of that day enjoyable .

  16. 竞技技巧项目是我国非奥运会项目的优势项目,为中国竞技技巧运动的发展做出了重大贡献,发展过程经历了三起三落的严峻考验。

    Acrosport item is the preponderant item of the non-Olympic Games , it is contributed for our Chinese Acrosport . However , its development went through three serious tribulations .

  17. 经主教主持的三个责任落在接收和支付收入的教会,否则其业务管理下,总的方向的第一任主席。

    Upon a presiding bishopric of three devolves the duty of receiving and disbursing the revenues of the Church , and otherwise managing its business , under the general direction of the first presidency .

  18. 当时我国四分之三的领土都落在外国武装干涉者手中。

    At that time three-quarters of our country was in the hands of foreign interventionists .

  19. 介绍加氢反应器分配器三爪连接板落料模具的设计过程及主要零件制造工艺。

    The article details the design and fabrication of the blanking die used to make three-joint plates on the distributor in hydrogen-processing reactors .

  20. 可是,老人刚拿起剪刀,第三团纸又落在了他眼前的灌木上。

    However , when the old man picked up the scissor again , a third tissue fell on the shrubs in front of him again .

  21. 他们都知道这个字的第一节:只有三个人可以唱第二:第三,沉默落除了拉手风琴。

    They all knew the words of the first verse : only three men could sing the second : with the third , silence fell save for the accordion .

  22. 按照三个代表要求并在实践中把三个代表真正落在实处,就一定能保持和发扬党的先进性,使我们党在新世纪里不负人民的重托,再造辉煌。

    Maintaining and promoting the party 's advancement can be attained if we do as the " three representatives " demands and apply it into practical use , and our party may not let down people 's great trust and must be glorious again .

  23. 同时,三元准晶与二元准晶的存在密切联系,它们同第三组元一起落在同一变电子浓度线上,称为准晶变电子浓度线现象。

    At the same time , it is noted that the ternary QCs , related binary ones and the third element are also located in one straight line ( e / a-constant line phenomenon ) .