
diào suǒ
  • sling;suspender;hoist cable;slinger;crowfoot
吊索 [diào suǒ]
  • (1) [crowfoot]∶船篷等的穿过长滑轮组的许多细索

  • (2) [sling]∶系在一支较低帆桁中间从桅杆的桅顶吊下支撑帆桁的桁索或链

吊索[diào suǒ]
  1. 悬索桥用特高强度镀锌吊索钢丝绳的研发

    Development of Super-High Strength Galvanized Suspender Steel Wire Rope for Suspension Bridge

  2. 该设计忽略了桥面连续及弹性支承对吊索(杆)内力的影响。

    The affection of continuous bridge deck and elastic support to inner force of suspender is ignored .

  3. 引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。

    The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope .

  4. 他们用吊索把我们从高处的一组吊臂上放到低处的另一组吊臂上。

    They used slings of rope to lower us from one set of arms to another .

  5. CFRP吊索钢管混凝土系杆拱桥模型试验研究

    Experimental study on concrete-filled steel tube tied-arch bridge with CFRP hangers

  6. 以Ansysworkbench为平台,对大跨度钢桁架拱桥的吊索进行合理流固耦合分析计算。

    Based on the platform of ANSYS WORKBENCH , the reasonable calculation of FSI for the bridge cable was carried out .

  7. 在系梁施加预应力过程中,对CFRP吊索拉力、系梁与钢管拱的竖向挠曲变形及应力的变化进行了测试。

    During tied-beam prestressing the tension forces of CFRP hangers , vertical deflection and stresses of tied-beam and steel tube arch were measured .

  8. 碳纤维筋(CFRP)具有优良的物理力学性能,可作为钢管混凝土系杆拱桥中的吊索。

    Carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) tendons have excellent physical and mechanical properties , it can be used as hangers on concrete-filled steel tube tie-arch bridges .

  9. 本文对南京长江二桥南汊河南、北吊索塔建造过程中,实施跨河水准精密高程控制方案做了论述,并对测量成果进行方差分析及F检验。

    This paper discusses the executable project of precise river - cross leveling in the south and north sling poles construction of Nanjing YanZi River 2nd bridge , inspecting measurements by variance analysis and F - test .

  10. 对GFRP筋的连接、吊索长度和吊点位置、吊机之间的配合等几个工艺问题进行了探讨。

    Several technical problems , such as the connections of GFRP bars , lengths of lifting loops and locations of lifting points , cooperation of cranes , are discussed .

  11. 船体、罐身和类似设备上应漆上条纹来指出吊索的位置,并且“SLING”标签也应在适当位置标出。

    Stripes should be painted on vessels , tanks and similar equipment to indicate where slings must be placed for hoisting , also label " SLING " in the proper location .

  12. 采用响应面结合JC法计算了矮寨桥吊索在寿命期内的静力动态可靠指标,结果表明当腐蚀的影响仅仅考虑截面积减小时,吊索一直处于较安全状态。

    The time-varying reliability index of suspension bridge hangers in whole-life period is calculated by combining response surface method and JC method . It shows that the hangers will be in safe condition if the corrosion is only related with decreasing sectional area .

  13. 该桥吊索采用热挤聚乙烯拉索OVMPES7-37,吊索锚固采用特殊设计的承拉式锚箱结构,不同于以往的承压式结构。

    The hangers of the Bridge are designed to use hot extrusion polyethylene sheath cables OVM PES 7-37 that are to be anchored with specially designed tensile anchor housing structures quite differing from the previous compressive ones .

  14. 如果没有凸耳,则应该采用吊索。

    If lugs are not provided , slings should be used .

  15. 坞门吊装吊索受力计算

    The Door Stress Calculation of Slings for Installation of Dock Gate

  16. 他们用吊索将箱子放进地窖。

    They lowered the boxes into the cellar by a sling .

  17. 或许能用吊索之类的把他们拉上来

    Maybe ... maybe rig something to bring them back up .

  18. 吊索长度偏差对四点吊桩的影响

    Effect fo Erroneous Sling Length upon Pile Hoisting with Four Lift Points

  19. 那些男人用吊索把箱子放进地窖中。

    The men lowered the boxes into the cellar by a sling .

  20. 中承式拱桥吊索损伤对吊索系静张力的影响

    Effect on sling system tension from sling damage in mid-supported arch bridge

  21. 泉州市侨乡体育馆网架-拱架组合结构的吊索制作、张拉与测力窄扁拱形组合网架桥的静力特性

    Static Behaviors of Narrow Composite Space Truss Flat Arch Bridges

  22. 适用范围:吊索、悬索、伞兵索等;

    Range of applicability : sling , suspended cable , parachute sling ;

  23. 规定要对起重机、吊机、吊索进行安全检查。

    Inspections should be conducted on cranes , hoists , and slings .

  24. 自锚式悬索桥吊索张拉过程优化分析

    Optimization Analysis of Hanger Tensioning Process on Self-anchored Suspension Bridges

  25. GB/T16762-1997一般用途钢绳吊索特性和技术条件

    Wire rope slings for general purposes & Characteristics and specifications

  26. 介绍吊索钢丝的性能要求及生产工艺;

    Property requires and production process of sling steel wire are introduced .

  27. 悬索桥吊索寿命期内动态可靠性分析

    Research on Time-Varying Reliability of Suspension Bridge Hanger in a Whole-Life Period

  28. 空间线形自锚式悬索桥大转角吊索技术研究

    On Large Rotation Angle Hanger Technology of Spatial Cable Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  29. 自锚式悬索桥吊索张拉计算和有限元分析研究

    Research on Hanger Installation Analysis and Finite Element Analysis for Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge

  30. 自锚式悬索桥恒载吊索力的设计方法研究

    Research of Design Method for Dead Load Hanger Forces of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridges