- monks and laymen;monk and common people

[monk and common people] 僧尼和没有出家的一般人
This article concentrates on outlining the development trend of the relationship between monks and laymen in Henan County through analyzing the factors in various aspects .
On thursday , troops burst into monasteries around thecountry to make arrests but , again , this did not stop monks and laymen fromhitting the streets , where riot police shot at them .
A TV series could make IT laymen better understand the work of IT experts .
All this , it must be understood , was genuinely and firmly believed both by priests and by laity ; it was not merely a creed officially professed .
Land in Russia was slowly expanded with the military expansion and historically had formed the village ownership of the land , the landlord ownership of the land and the state ownership of the land .
Protection of Life Album of Painting , the religious ecology ethics thought cartoon collection is a cartoon series created together by the modern Buddhist priests and laymen for the purpose of propagating refrains from killing , protecting lives and so on .