
jū liú suǒ
  • Detention facility;detention center;detention house;lockup;house of detention
拘留所 [jū liú suǒ]
  • (1) [house of detention]∶在刑事审判期间拘留犯人(偶尔包括证人)的地方

  • (2) [watchhouse]∶拘留犯人的地方

  • (3) [prison]∶监禁或拘留(如某人)的地方

  1. 她打电话给了县拘留所,约波普单独会面。

    She 's phoning county lockup , arranging a meeting with Pope ... alone .

  2. 他是律师,他在拘留所。但他为另一家律所工作。

    Uh , he 's a lawyer , and he 's in lockup . But he but he works for another firm .

  3. 他被判处在少年犯拘留所拘禁两年。

    He was sentenced to two years ' youth custody .

  4. 在我大二的时候,我开始辅导一位高中的年轻姑娘她住在离大学10分钟路程的地方不久,她的表弟(堂弟)从少年拘留所回到家

    In my sophomore13 year , I started tutoring a young woman who was in high school who lived about 10 minutes away from the university . Soon , her cousin came home from a juvenile14 detention15 center .

  5. 在戴维森郡拘留所(MetroDavidsonCountyDetentionFacility)狱警的监督下,6名身穿蓝色工作服的犯人正在忙碌地处理着那些假肢。

    Under the watchful eye of the prison guards at Metro Davidson County Detention Facility , half a dozen inmates in blue overalls are wrestling with prosthetic legs .

  6. 不过BBC的新闻主播西蒙-麦科伊此前在播报一条关于酒鬼拘留所的新闻时,手里拿着的东西看上去不太像是科技产品,这也让观众们一头雾水。

    But BBC News presenter Simon McCoy left viewers baffled when he introduced a feature about ' drunk tanks ' by holding something slightly less technical .

  7. 还有你到底是怎么逃出拘留所的?

    And the jailhouse , how did you manage your escape ?

  8. 她将被转往特曼库拉的一个拘留所。

    She 's being transferred to a holding station in temecula .

  9. 我的合伙人有可能被关在市拘留所。

    There 's a chance my partner is in central holding .

  10. 我也被命令要将你安置在拘留所内接受保护。

    I 've also been ordered to place you under protective custody .

  11. 这些青少年将被送到青少年拘留所(关押候审)。

    Those teenagers will be remanded to the remand home .

  12. 聂赫留朵夫从检察官那里出来,乘车直奔拘留所。

    From the Procureur Nekhludoff went straight to the preliminary detention prison .

  13. 拘留所受到刑事改革者的批评。

    The detention centers came under criticism from penal reformers .

  14. 把陆青和红袖都关进拘留所?

    Lu Qing tea were shut and put into detention ?

  15. 青少年犯拘留所的能看做是教育吗?

    Can in a remand home be regarded as educational ?

  16. 十个小时后,他死在拘留所,死状可疑。

    Ten hours later , he died in custody under suspicious circumstances .

  17. 把这个人从拘留所提出来,带他到中心大街。

    Get this guy from iockup and run him to centre street .

  18. 帕克在联邦拘留所面临三个有关毒品的指控。

    Parker is in federal custody facing three drug-related charges .

  19. 抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。

    The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup .

  20. 警察肯定把车拖回拘留所了。

    Police had to drag it to the pound .

  21. 这两名幸存者在被拘留所释放前遭到了逮捕。

    The two surviving men were arrested before later being released from custody .

  22. 那是个假释犯拘留所。

    It 's a remand center for paroled convicts .

  23. 在一般的拘留所牢房里,行政官先生。

    In the general holding cell , Mr administrator .

  24. 上面只是说拉克希尔有个拘留所。

    All it says is that there was a detention facility at larkhill .

  25. 拘留所的警官可不会轻易放人走,是吧?

    Custody sergeants don 't really like to be hurried , do they ?

  26. 因我会马上把你送回拘留所。

    On account of how fast I remanded your ass back into custody .

  27. 他们在拘留所是隐形人;没有人再去留意他们的存在。

    They were invisible in the detention center ; nobody knew they existed anymore .

  28. 他现在坐在拘留所的号子里。

    He is sitting in a jail cell .

  29. 拘留所和监狱常常感到他们自己还没有能力处理精神病犯人。

    Jails and prisons often find themselves unprepared to deal with the mentally ill .

  30. 美国监狱和拘留所内的囚犯并非按人口密度平均分布。

    Inmates in America 's prisons and jails aren 't evenly divided by race ;