
  • 网络Tianjin Concession;Concessions in Tianjin
  1. 外国人所办报刊作为一种大众传媒,是在设立天津租界的背景下出现的,并随着租界的繁荣而发展起来。

    As the public media , the foreign-sponsored newspapers and periodicals appeared under the background of the setting-up of the leased territories in Tianjin and developed with their prosperity .

  2. 法国建筑师保罗·慕乐(PaulMuller),是一位活跃于近代天津法租界的著名建筑师。

    French architect Paul · Muller ( Paul M ü ller ) , who was active in French concession of Tianjin , China in modern times , is a celebrated architect .

  3. 天津原意租界历史街区保护与更新模式的探析

    A Study on Protection and Renewal Mode of the Former Italian Concessions Area in Tianjin

  4. 天津原意租界地区城市空间形态分析与发展研究

    Analysis on Urban Spatial Form and Research on Development of the Former Italian Concessions Area in Tianjin

  5. 第四章分析了天津英租界各机构在市政管理中的作用及相互关系。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the roles and mutual relations of the British concession agencies in the municipal management .

  6. 第一章主要考察了天津英租界市政管理机构的形成,从英租界的形成和市政管理机构的形成两个方面进行论述。

    The first chapter mainly discusses the municipal management organization form of the British concession in Tianjin in two aspects .

  7. 因此,研究天津法租界经济状况,对近代中法经济关系以及法国近代对华殖民政策作出全面准确的估量与评价是十分重要的。

    Therefore , it is very important to study the economic situations of the France Concession in Tianjin for the purpose of completely evaluating the Sino-French economic relationship and French settlement policy towards China in early modern period .

  8. 天津原奥租界历史街区保护开发研究

    Research on Protection and Exploitation of Austrian Concessions History Block in Tianjin

  9. 天津市意大利租界民族路片区改造分析

    Reconstruction of Minzu Road in Italy Concession Area of Tianjin

  10. 近代天津有美国租界,尽管之后它被转移给英国存在的时间并不长。

    Modern Tianjin concession of the United States , although it was later transferred to the UK there is not a long time .

  11. 最后针对上文中天津原法租界的形态演变与空间分析的结论,对原法租界的保护和更新提出建议。

    Finally , according to the conclusions of the evolution of morphology and spatial analysis , we provide recommendations on the protection and renewal of the concession .

  12. 《辛亥革命》是在天津一所租界的公寓拍摄的,这也是本世纪在这个地区保留最多的西方典型建筑风格的地方。

    Xinhai Geming is being filmed in Tianjin , which has a lot of the classic turn of the century Western architecture still preserved in the foreign concessions area .

  13. 最终,到1900年6月,义合拳包围了北京和天津的外国租界。这个行为引发了被冒犯国家的联合救援行动。

    Finally , in June 1900 , the Boxers besieged the foreign concessions in Beijing and Tianjin , an action that provoked an allied relief expedition by the offended nations .

  14. 在以上不同的发展阶段,都会寻找到天津原日租界规划建设中的一些共性,即局限性、时序性及继承性。

    From the different stages of development in the above , we will find some overall characters during the planning and the constructions of the original Japanese concession in Tianjin , that is , limitations , timing and succession .

  15. 天津原日租界在明确的目标下,动态灵活的发展过程中,完成自身发展的同时,也促使近代天津城市从二元并立的城市形态走向最终的融合。

    Under the clear objective , through the dynamic and flexible development process , it completed its self-development , but also promoted a modern city of Tianjin from the " dual side by side " of the urban form towards the end of " integration " .

  16. 而在近代中国设有租界的城市中,唯有天津集中了九国租界,其中法租界存在时间最长。

    However , Tianjin was the only city where nine countries established their concessions ; and the French concession existed for the longest time .

  17. 天津市原英租界是外国列强在近代天津开辟的第一个租界,也是天津原九国租界中面积最大、开辟时间最久的租界。

    The former British Concession was the first concession built by the foreigners in Tianjin . It was also the biggest and longest concession in Tianjin .

  18. 第二章简述天津的城市发展背景和天津租界的发展建设过程,以及日租界的设立、扩展及建设过程。

    Chapter ⅱ summarized the background of the construction and development of Tianjin and Tianjin concessions , as well as the establishment , expansion and construction of the Japanese Concession .

  19. 作为天津市海河开发建设七大异国风情区项目之一的德式风情区,坐落在河西区界内,原为天津德租界,规划总用地面积47.02公顷。

    Tianjin Haihe River as the development and construction of seven exotic one area of the German customs area , located in the west of the district boundaries , the former German concession in Tianjin , planning the total land area of 47.02 hectares .