
tiān huáng
  • the Mikado -- the emperor of Japan;the Heavenly Ruler;the Supreme;Tian Huang;emperor;emperor of Japan;Mikado
天皇 [tiān huáng]
  • (1) [God;the Heavenly Ruler;the Supreme]∶天帝

  • (2) [Tian Huang]∶古帝名,传说中国远古三皇(天皇、地皇、泰皇)之首

  • (3) [emperor]∶帝王

  • (4) [emperor of Japan;Mikado]∶日本的皇帝,他是宗教的领袖,并且被认为是神的化身

天皇[tiān huáng]
  1. 总统对明仁天皇进行了礼节性的拜访。

    The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito .

  2. 明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。

    In 1959 , Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner

  3. 日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。

    Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo

  4. 那是一把天皇赐给他父亲命他剖腹自杀的短剑。

    It is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri .

  5. 新政理想主义VS传统现实主义&美国对天皇的政策(1942-1945)

    New Deal Idealism vs. Traditional Realism : US Policy towards Japanese Emperor ( 1942-1945 )

  6. 这样的举动在现代可谓史无前例:上一位退位的天皇是于1817年退位的光格天皇(EmperorKokaku)。

    No modern emperor has done so : The last emperor to abdicate was Emperor Kokaku , in 1817 .

  7. 即使是通常行事低调的宫内厅(ImperialHouseholdAgency)长官也公开反对称,天皇不应被利用为外交工具。宫内厅是负责天皇日程安排的刻板而神秘的机构。

    Even the normally discreet head of the Imperial Household Agency , the stern and secretive body that controls the royal schedule , objected publicly that the emperor should not be used as a diplomatic tool .

  8. 根据NHK的报道,在2003年和2012年分别接受前列腺癌治疗和心脏手术的明仁天皇,计划不久将正式宣布退位。

    According to NHK , Akihito , who was treated for prostate cancer in 2003 and underwent heart surgery in 2012 , plans to make a formal announcement shortly .

  9. 政变的策划者下定决心要继续战斗——即使这意味着整个日本被消灭也在所不辞。他们全面搜查了皇宫,寻找已准备好的裕仁天皇(EmperorHirohito)宣读投降诏书的录音,差一点就阻止了二战的结束。

    Determined to fight on , even if it meant the annihilation of their country , the plotters ransacked the palace looking for the prepared recording of Emperor Hirohito 's surrender message and very nearly prevented the end of the second world war .

  10. 然而,在NHK的报道出来后,左倾报纸《朝日新闻》报道,宫内厅(ImperialHouseholdAgency)次长山本信一郎(ShinichiroYamamoto)否认了天皇要退位的报道,称他“没有这样的打算”。

    After the NHK report , however , the Asahi Shimbun , a left-leaning newspaper , reported that Shinichiro Yamamoto , deputy director of the Imperial Household Agency , denied the abdication report , saying that the emperor had " no such intention . "

  11. 虽然当时的天皇是Higashiyama,但实际掌权的是德川第五代幕府将军“德川纲吉”。

    Although Higashiyama was the Emperor of Japan back then , the man actually in charge was Tokugawa Tsunayoshi , the fifth shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty .

  12. 对日本来说,日本与美国的长久友谊始于裕仁天皇(Hirohito)的投降诏书。在咝咝啦啦的广播中,此前被视为神的裕仁天皇恳求他的臣民们忍所难忍,耐所难耐。

    For its part , Japan began its enduring friendship with America after a scratchy radio broadcast in which Emperor Hirohito , hitherto considered a living god , entreated his subjects to endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable .

  13. 他还将首都从京都搬到了当时的江户(Edo,即现在的东京),将毫无实权的天皇抛在身后。他在江户设立朝廷,并迅速将它从小渔村建成一个大都市。

    He also moved the capital from Kyoto , leaving the powerless emperor behind , to the coastal town that he called Edo and that is now Tokyo , setting up a court there that quickly transformed the town from a tiny fishing village into a metropolis .

  14. 为了让他和KameiKorechika能够为天皇使节组织一场巴适的招待会,他们需要从幕府将军的一位高级官员那里学习宫廷礼仪礼节,那位官员名叫“KiraYoshinaka”,他是一名kōke,就是“礼仪大师”的意思。

    In order for him and Kamei to organize a proper reception for the imperial ambassadors , they needed lessons in court etiquette and protocol from one of the shogun 's high officials - a man named Kira Yoshinaka who was a k ō ke , meaning a master of ceremonies .

  15. 1701年,他和另一位名叫“KameiKorechika”的贵族负责为到访江户城的天皇使节组织一场招待会,这是日本“参觐交代”的一部分。

    In 1701 , he and another noble named Kamei Korechika were tasked with organizing a reception for some of the emperor 's ambassadors visiting Edo Castle as part of their service known as sankin k ō tai .

  16. 明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。

    According to NHK , the public broadcaster in Japan , Emperor Akihito , 82 , who in 1989 succeeded his father , the wartime Emperor Hirohito , told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son , Crown Prince Naruhito , 56 , before he dies .

  17. 他们亵渎了天皇的宽恕和仁慈。

    Theyhave violated the mercy ofthe emperor and his benevolent subjects .

  18. 二战后,儒学传统也中断了,但这种中断只是中断了它与带有封建专制特色的天皇制绝对主义政策的联系。

    Afterwards , the feudal autocracy tradition of Confucianism broke off .

  19. 主要浴室甚至还有一个是天皇专用的。

    The main bathhouse even has a bathroom for the emperor .

  20. 天皇的战争进行了很长一段时间。

    The emperor carried on the war for a long time .

  21. 天皇就会准许我们为唯一授权提供武器的国家。

    The Emperor grants the U.S. exclusive rights to supply arms .

  22. 既然天皇无言,我不想解除我的剑。

    Then , I must refuse to give up my sword .

  23. 天皇是太阳神的后裔。

    That the emperor is the descendant of the sun goddess .

  24. 日本天皇裕仁与卢沟桥事变裕仁天皇侵华战争责任探析

    Towards the responsibility of Mikado Hirohito for the war against China

  25. 告诉他们的儿子是他们亲自抓住了日本天皇。

    Tell their kids they captured the emperor all by themselves .

  26. 将军曾和胜本一起为天皇而战斗。

    The general and Katsumoto fought together for the emperor .

  27. 天皇无恙,我亲自给皇宫打电话询问过。

    His lmperial majesty is unharmed . I personally phoned the palace .

  28. 天皇陛下对你们美国的印第安人很感兴趣。

    The emperor is most interested in your American lndians .

  29. 天皇对此虽有顾虑,但并没有表示反对。

    Although the Mikado have scruple , but did not oppose it .

  30. 明治天皇与甲午战争

    Emperor Meiji and the Sino - Japanese War of 1894