
wǔ xiàng quán néng yùn dòng
  • pentathlon
五项全能运动[wǔ xiàng quán néng yùn dòng]
  1. 这就是传说中现代五项全能运动的起源。

    So , legend has it , was born the modern pentathlon .

  2. 在公元前8世纪末,比赛项目包括赛跑、摔跤、拳击、角斗(摔跤和拳击并用)、赛车、负重跑和五项全能运动。

    By the late8th century BC , events included running , wrestling , boxing , pancratium ( a mixture of boxing and wrestling ), chariot racing , a footrace with heavy armor , and the pentathlon .