
wǔ fānɡ
  • five directions ;everywhere
  • all directions (south,north,east,west and centre)
五方 [wǔ fāng]
  • [all directions (south,north,east,west and centre)] 指东、西、南、北、中五个方位

  • 五方土音。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  1. 此次成功与该矿山签订长期采购合同和五方协议,也缓解了巴西航线COA船的压力。

    The success and long-term purchase contracts signed in the mine and five-party agreement , but also eased the pressure on the Brazilian route COA ship .

  2. 本文从五方面对第7届全运会女子100m栏比赛中的运动节奏进行了以量化为主的综合研究,揭示了我国女子100m栏运动节奏的一些特点和规律,提出了有关技术参数。

    This essay studied the women 100m hurdles running rhythm in five aspects in the 7th national games , reveals some characteristics and rules of it and puts forward technique parameter concerned .

  3. 本文首先对有关供应链、敏捷供应链、物流及3PL等概念、理论进行了较深入的分析,探讨了3PL未来发展趋势即第四方、第五方物流。

    Firstly this paper analyzes concept and theory of supply chain , acute supply chain , logistics and 3PL , and discusses development trend of 3PL , namely the fourth part logistics and the fifth part logistics .

  4. 出于各种不同的原因,五方中已有四方认输。

    For various reasons , four of the five have thrown in the towel .

  5. 调胃五方对胃肠激素作用的比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Gastrointestinal Hormones Effect of Five TCM Prescriptions of Regulation Spleen and Stomach

  6. 因而利用了韵图来论证《五方元音》所反映时代的特色语音特征。

    This paper also uses the Wu-fang Yuan-yin'rhyme table to proof the phonetic character that Wu-fang Yuan-yin reflects .

  7. 自此,国内电信运营商结束了五方大战的局面,进入三足鼎立的时期。

    Since then , the domestic carriers of the end of War five-party situation , the three pillars into the period .

  8. 中方希望通过与其他五方的共同努力,把已经达成的共识以书面形式确定下来。

    The Chinese side hopes to lay down the reached consensus in written form through joint efforts with the other five parties .

  9. 五佛思想是密教金刚乘的根本宇宙观,五方佛体系的最终形成也标志佛教神系的完备和系统化。

    Thought of the Five Buddhas reveals the universal conception of the Vajrayana Buddhism , and the Five Buddha familes indicate systematism of the Buddhist deities .

  10. 《山经》以五方山川为纲,记述的内容包括古史、草木、鸟兽、神话、宗教等。

    Taking the mountains of five orientation as the key link , the content of the mountain includes puranas , vegetation , animals and birds , mythology , religions , etc.

  11. 作者分别从文化词汇、语法、语域、语用、交际五方面对外语教学的影响,阐明其研究的必要性。

    Then , he points out the influence on foreign language teaching from cultural words , grammar , language context , pragmatics , culture which indicate the necessity of its research .

  12. 国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫、国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯、日本奥运大臣丸川珠代、东京都知事小池百合子、桥本等出席了五方在线会议。

    The five-party meeting was attended by IOC President Thomas Bach , IPC chief Andrew Parsons , Japan 's Olympic Minister Tamayo Marukawa , Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike , and Hashimoto .

  13. 解决方案框架确定后,本文在最后两章对解决方案的具体实施进行了详细分析,在第四章详细阐述了基于第五方物流的电子商务物流信息平台的设计和部分实现。

    In the final two chapters , the Concrete implementation of the solution has been analyzed . In the forth chapter the E-commence Logistics Information Platform Based On Fifth-party Logistics has been designed , and part of the realization has been researched .

  14. 中国作用的发挥实实在在地推动了朝核问题的解决进程,对此国际社会,尤其是朝核问题其它五方均给予了积极评价,并寄予了较高期待。

    The international community , particularly the other 5 parties involved in the nuclear issue all spoke highly of China 's role which facilitated the solution of the crisis with concrete steps , and expected China to do more in the future .

  15. 对建立基于PKI/PMI的统一应用安全平台进行研究和设计。(5)设计一个保证支付安全、便于操作、保障物流的五方电子商务支付系统。

    To establishes based on the PKI / PMI unified security the research which carries on using the platform . ( 5 ) designs a guarantee pay security , to be advantageous for the operation , the safeguard physical distribution five side electronic commerce payment system .

  16. 菲律宾还蓄意挑衅,频繁派出军舰、飞机侵入中国南沙群岛五方礁、仙娥礁、信义礁、半月礁和仁爱礁,肆意破坏中国设置的测量标志。

    Furthermore , the Philippines made deliberate provocations by frequently sending its military vessels and aircraft to intrude into Wufang Jiao , Xian'e Jiao , Xinyi Jiao , Banyue Jiao and Ren'ai Jiao of China 's Nansha Qundao , and destroyed survey markers set up by China .

  17. 对于中国西南地区(包括云南、贵州、四川、西康)而言,也就意味着出现了结束在一点四方、华夷五方格局中仅扮演边缘角色的契机。

    For the southwest region of China ( including Yunnan , Guizhou , Sichuan , Sikang ), it means that the opportunity appeared to end only playing a marginal role in the pattern of the " one center , four edge " or " Pattern of Chinese-Barbarain " .

  18. 在前面问题和原因分析的基础上,有针对性的提出了解决方案的一个大体框架,即构建基于第五方物流的电子商务物流信息平台和引入第三方支付平台模式。

    On the basis of the analysis of the problems and reasons , a general framework of the solution which fit to the situation in china has been made . The solution include build E-commence Logistics Information Platform Based On Fifth-party Logistics and introduce the third-party payment model .

  19. 去年各方达成一项复杂的协议。根据该协议,北韩最终将放弃核项目,包括核武器,以换取其它五方提供的经济援助和外交利益。批准核实机制为实施该协议最后一个阶段的内容打开了大门。

    Approval of a verification protocol is to open the way to the final phase of the intricate agreement reached last year , under which North Korea is to eventually scrap its nuclear program , including weapons , in return for energy aid and diplomatic benefits from the other parties .

  20. 自拟五虫方治疗偏头痛118例疗效观察

    Clinical Effects on the Treatment of 118 Cases of Migraine Patients with Self-prescribed Five Insects Prescription

  21. 那么横截面就等于,8乘以10的,负五次方平方米。

    That would give me a cross-sectional area of eight times ten to the minus five square meters .

  22. 从本实验的结果得知,使用不同学习模式作五连方益智拼图,对孩童的空间学习皆有助益。

    The experimental results demonstrate the boost to child 's spatial ability through diverse learning methods in pentomino games .

  23. 提出了轴流通风机沿叶片叶高的载荷分布,按五次方流型设计的方法。

    Load distribution of axial fan along to the blade and blade height is put forward according to dynamic design method of quintic equation .

  24. 分析了该反馈控制系统可能存在的稳定点,仿真结果显示对可见度五次方处理效果最好。

    The possible steady points of the control system are also presented . The simulated results illustrate that the best performance can be obtained when the five power of visibility is considered as feedback signal .

  25. 第三章对k.333第一乐章不同乐谱版本中记谱方式的比较分析从五个方而,通过具体事例分析,说明如何通过不同版本来获取符合原作风格的演奏构想。

    Chapter Three contributes to Comparative Analysis of the Different Ways of Scoring , which aims to illustrate how to get the performance conceptions that accord with the right style through different editions from five perspectives .

  26. 五首补益方对环磷酰胺诱导突变型P(53)基因表达上调的抑制作用

    Inhibitory Effect of 5 Kinds of Tonic Decoction on the Expression of Mutant P53 Gene Induced by Cyclophosphamide

  27. 第五,相关方的需求矛盾处理。

    The fifth is disposal of the interested parties ' request contradiction .

  28. 结果:五种补益方均能拮抗环磷酰胺引起的骨髓、胸腺细胞增殖抑制。

    Results : The5 benefit prescriptions can resist the decline of proliferation caused by cyclophosphamide .

  29. 2007年2月13日,六方会谈达成了《第五轮六方会谈第三阶段会议共同文件》。

    On 12 Feb , 2007 , the Six-Party Talks reached the Joint Agreement of the third session of the fifth round of the Six-Party Talks .

  30. 创立该基金的五个捐赠方已承诺提供近9亿美元援助,它们是加拿大、韩国、西班牙、美国以及比尔和美琳达•盖茨基金会。

    Five founding donors have pledged nearly $ 900 million to the global fund : Canada , South Korea , Spain , the United States and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation .