
Will you walk five Li just to see a film show ?
You are mistaken ; he will not advance two leagues into the interior of France without being followed , tracked , and caught like a wild beast .
We are still five miles short of our destination .
He had tramped all of five miles , and it was noon .
I ate breakfast in the kitchen by candle-light , and then drove the five miles to the station through the most glorious October colouring .
and within five miles of Lambton , Elizabeth found from her aunt that Pemberley was situated . It was not in their direct road , nor more than a mile or two out of it .
To walk three miles , or four miles , or five miles , or whatever it is , above her ancles in dirt , and alone , quite alone ! what could she mean by it ? It seems to me to shew an abominable sort of conceited independence , a most country town indifference to decorum .