
  • 网络Wuhua;wuhua district
  1. 五华区环境噪声现状评价及达标区建设

    Evaluation of Noise Pollution Circumstance and Building of Divided Standard Zone in Wuhua District

  2. 五华区政务服务中心功能齐全,各项工作在政务服务系统具有一定的典型性。

    Wuhua district administrative service center functions , each job in government service system is a typical .

  3. 社区青少年教育中的公共政策分析&以昆明市五华区某社区的实证调研为例

    An Analysis of the Public Policy of Adolescents Education in Communities

  4. 第四章着重写五华区计生部门在对本区流动人口所提供的计划生育服务上所取得的成绩。

    The fourth chapter focuses on the achievements of family planning services of the floating population provided by Wuhua Area planning department .

  5. 第五章阐述了在目前发展阶段五华区政务服务中心发展完善的对策和措施。

    The fifth chapter elaborated at the current stage of development in Wuhua district administrative service center of development countermeasure and measure .

  6. 五华区作为昆明市的核心主城区,很多改革都走在全省全列,在政府职能改革、职能转变上也有一些新路径、新模式。

    Wuhua District of Kunming city as a core city , many reforms in the province take the entire column , in the reform of government functions , function change also has some new path , new mode .

  7. 随着昆明市五华区人口老龄化的迅速发展,高龄的老年人不断增多,导致传统的家庭养老方式遭受到了前所未有的挑战,给社会养老服务需求带来了沉重的压力和负担。

    With the rapid development of Kunming District of Wuhua City , the aging of the population , growing old aged people , leading to the traditional family pension mode from the hitherto unknown challenge , bring heavy burden and pressure to the service for the aged society .

  8. 华南赤红壤坡地退化特征及其整治开发&以五华县国土试验区为例

    Degraded slope on lateritic red earth : its properties , management and development in South china & with an example of Wuhua County