
  1. 结果表明,3%硝酸钾液浸种24h处理极显著提高了大黑长茄和沪茄3号种子发芽势、发芽指数。

    The results showed that germination energy and germination index of the seeds were increased with the treatment of soaking seed for 24 h in 3 % KNO3 solution .

  2. 玉米稀土拌种百粒重、穗长、穗粗与产量直接通径作用大。穗长和百粒重的互作效应以及百粒重、穗长、穗粗单效应成为影响产量的主要因素。

    Mutual effect of spike length and the 100 grain weight and single effect of the 100 grain weight , spike length and spike thick become maior factors influencing yield .

  3. 传统的堆肥处理工艺存在投资大、生产周期长和产品质量不稳定等缺点。

    The traditional composting existence many shortcomings , such as large investment , long production and unstable product quality .

  4. 运动员对运动负荷的评价是强度大,练习时间长和间歇时间短等情况。

    Athlete on the exercise load evaluation of strength , practice long and short breaks , reaction . 4 .

  5. 工程项目由于投资规模大、施工期限长和参与方多的特点导致了合同索赔争端会不可避免的发生。

    Project due to big investment , long construction period and the characteristics of the participants more disputes will inevitably led to a contract claim .

  6. 实现了稳态和动态过程的记录与统一分析,为分析大范围、长过程和发展性的故障提供了依据;

    The uniform analysis technique of steady and dynamic data has been realized to ensure the analysis to wide area , long process and developing faults .

  7. 同时,由于航空镍基合金零件的整体结构设计特点,材料去除体积大、加工时间长和加工成本高。

    In addition , the geometrical characteristics of the integrated structure parts result in higher material removal volume , longer machining time , and higher costs .

  8. 输变电工程项目耗资大、建设周期长和技术复杂,涉及的不确定因素较多,因此输变电工程的建设具有高风险性。

    Large transmission project cost , long construction period , and the technology is complex and involves more uncertainty , the construction of power transmission projects of high risk .

  9. 1998年冬春季广东和香港沿海的赤潮规模大、持续时间长和损失严重为历史罕见。

    In the Winter-Spring of 1998 , Guangdong and Hong Kong coastal sea area witnessed a red tide rare in its large scale , long duration , and serious damage .

  10. 锂离子电池作为当代化学电池最先进技术的代表之一,具有能量密度大、使用寿命长和无污染等优点,其应用也越来越广泛。

    Lithium-ion battery , as one of the most advanced technologies of chemical battery , has several advantages , such as high energy density , long service life and no pollution .

  11. 从相关分析可以看出:高的整精米率、大的长宽比和低的垩白度之间有相互促进的作用,所以三者可以同时进行改良。

    The results revealed that the load capacity of seeding to heading days was low and there have stimulated effect each other among high total milled rice , big aspect ratio and low chalkiness ratio .

  12. 研究和实现稳态和动态过程的不间断记录及同步测量,便于大范围、长过程和发展性故障的分析,有利于提高电力系统的安全稳定运行。

    Because of the power system interconnection and deregulation , it is very important to study and realize continued recoding of steady data and dynamic process and synchronous measurement so as to analyze wide area , long process and developing faults .

  13. 电子直销渠道以其经营成本低、潜在市场范围大、服务时间长和信息流动快的优势,逐渐引起易逝品相关企业的关注。

    Electronic direct sales channel has many advantages over traditional sales channel , including its lower operating costs , larger scope of the potential market , longer service time and faster flow of information . All these advantages gradually cause concern of perishable goods businesses .