
  1. 去年夏天,阳光在红场(RedSquare)附近慢慢褪成金色,奥利弗•斯通(OliverStone)穿过莫斯科一家五星级酒店的大堂酒吧。

    The summer light was fading to gold near Red Square as Oliver Stone maneuvered through the lobby bar of a five-star Moscow hotel last year .

  2. 我们正站在大家即将入住的五星级酒店的大堂。

    We are now in the lobby of the five-star hotel in which you will stay during your visit here .

  3. 在乘地铁可以轻松抵达的同城五星级酒店的大堂里做采访,自然比去某个破败的小镇,在冰冷刺骨的小镇社区中心里做采访更舒服。

    It 's more agreeable interviewing someone in a five-star hotel lobby an easy subway ride from home than in a freezing community centre in some rundown small town .