
  1. 其次探讨了中国民法法典化的模式,指出应以德国五编制为基础;

    The codification of China 's private law should model itself on German one .

  2. 五编制和执行国民经济和社会发展计划和国家预算;

    5 to draw up and implement the plan for national economic and social development and the state budget ;

  3. 2005年是广播影视衣村服务年和电影发展年,是执行十五计划的最后一年,也是十一五计划编制完成年。

    2005 is a film developing year and year of offering good service for the countryside .

  4. 结果从满足五大编制原则角度讲:《标准》的编制基本符合区域的总体发展规划,与国民经济发展水平相适应;

    Results For fit with the establish principles , the standards basically accord with regional total developing planning and local economic developing level ;

  5. 近期建设规划与十一五规划协同编制设想

    An envisaged integration of immediate plan and 11th Five-Year-Plan

  6. 城市公共空间设计分则应针对五大类型编制技术要点。

    The important points of organization technique of the urban public space design guidelines should be the five different factors .

  7. 该模型已应用于铁路行包运输十一五发展规划编制工作中。

    Such model had already been applied in the compiling of the " eleventh five-year " development plan of railway parcel transportation .

  8. 在相当长的时间里,实际上是从“十一五”规划编制之时开始,政策制定者就已经意识到,这种增长方式尽管带来了令人瞩目的成就,但同时也产生了不平衡问题。

    For quite some time , indeed already since the preparation of the11th5 Year Plan , policymakers realized that this pattern of growth while impressively successful has also contributed to imbalances .

  9. 要加强与有关部门的共建共享工作,及时完成十一五规划的编制,大力推进业务技术体制改革和现代化建设;

    Strengthen the cooperation of the share and build together with the concerned department , achieve the " Eleven five planning " in time . Advance the reform of technological system of the operation in a more cost-effective manner and modernization .

  10. 由云南省林业厅组织的云南省十一.五森林采伐限额编制工作已完成,并经国务院批准实施,其年采伐限额总量为3148.2万m3。

    The task of composing the cutting quota of Yunnan province during the 11th 5-year plan period organized by Department of Forestry has already been finished and approved by the State Council to implement .

  11. 采用以大五因素人格理论编制的NEO人格问卷修订本(NEO-PI-R),对1005名中学教师五种典型的人格特质及其教师特征因素进行分析。

    In the current work , Five typical personality traits of 1005 high middle school teachers were examined by using the psychometric quality of the revised NEO Personality Inventory ( NEO-PI-R ) .

  12. 西昌学院十一五事业发展规划编制的背景和特色

    Backgrounds and Features of the Eleventh Five-Year Developing Plan of Xichang College

  13. 中学生人格五因素问卷的编制

    A Development Study on Five - factor Personality Questionaire for MIddle School Students

  14. 完善机制,促进城市基础测绘工作的持续发展&《武汉市基础测绘十一五规划》的编制与立项

    Improving the Mechanism of Urban Basic Surveying and Mapping and Promote its Sustainable Development

  15. 在截至今年3月的一年内,全国大中城市房价上涨了11.7%,这一涨幅是自近五年前开始编制记录以来最大的。

    Nationwide urban housing prices rose 11.7 per cent in the year to March , the biggest rise since records began nearly five years ago .

  16. 这一涨幅创下了五年前开始编制该数据系列以来的最高纪录,促使人们再次对房地产市场可能存在泡沫感到担心。

    The growth was the fastest since the data series began five years ago and prompted fresh concerns about a potential bubble in the property market .

  17. 第五部分总结了五年计划编制和实施的经验教训。

    The fourth part sums up the experience of the five plans .