
  • 网络Ownership system;system of ownership;riparian ownership
  1. 所有权制度是民法中的重要内容。

    The system of ownership plays an important role in civil law .

  2. 论深圳特区生产资料所有制结构及其所有权制度

    Structure and System of Ownership of Production Means in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  3. 为此,必须让技术创新与制度创新并举,在科学界定国有企业和理顺国有产权关系的基础上,确立国有企业法人所有权制度;

    Therefore , tech innovation and system innovation must develop simultaneously .

  4. 资源所有权制度改革与西部地区经济发展

    The Resources Ownership System Reform and the Western Region Economic Development

  5. 借鉴建筑物区分所有权制度提出建立土地区分使用权制度。

    A Research on Mortgage System of Right of Land Use ;

  6. 论哈尼梯田水产所有权制度的法制化

    On The Management of The Aquatic Product Ownership in Hani Terrace

  7. 第二部分为水所有权制度。

    The second part is about the institution of water ownership .

  8. 论我国农地所有权制度的理性重构

    On Rational Restructuring Our Country 's System of Agricultural Land Ownership

  9. 我国的集体所有权制度是特殊时代的产物。

    Our collective ownership system is the product of a special era .

  10. 农民土地有限制所有权制度研究

    A research on farmers ' limited ownership of land system

  11. 水库的有效利用依托于所有权制度的明晰。

    The effective use of reservoir depends on the distinct ownership system .

  12. 创造条件着力落实矿产资源国家所有权制度

    Making Every Efforts to Implement State Ownership of Mineral Resources

  13. 国有化:中国农村集体土地所有权制度变革之路

    Analyzing the Nationalization of China Country Collective Landownership ; change of title

  14. 我国的野生植物所有权制度与野生植物权属管理

    The Legal System of Wild Plants Ownership and Its Management in China

  15. 农村土地所有权制度也不例外。

    The ownership system of rural land is no exception .

  16. 具体方案如下:(1)完善农地所有权制度。

    Concrete scheme as follows : ( 1 ) Perfect farmland ownership system .

  17. 商事信用与财产权关系的分析&基于欧洲早期所有权制度

    Analysis of Commercial Credit and Property Right Relationship : Centering on Ownership System

  18. 论中国农村土地集体所有权制度改革

    Inquire into the Improvement of Collective Ownership System of Rural Land in China

  19. 当前我国农村土地所有权制度存在的现实困境要求我们对其进行改革。

    The plight of rural land property system requires us to reform it .

  20. 农村土地所有权制度探讨

    Research on the Institutions of the Landownership in the Rural Areas of China

  21. 那里有大片的土地、成本低廉、所有权制度也相对简单。

    Tracts are large , costs are low and title is relatively uncomplicated .

  22. 从所有权制度产生以来,所有权客体的范围、内容已经发生了历史性的变化。

    Since proprietary rights system took effect , object scope and content have changed historically .

  23. 我国企业所有权制度强制性与诱致性变迁的分析

    An Analysis of Induced and Imposed Change in the Institutional Reform of Enterprises in China

  24. 农地所有权制度是农村土地制度的核心。

    The system of agricultural land ownership is the core of the rural land system .

  25. 这种冲突,就是集体土地所有权制度存在缺陷的根源;

    This conflict is the root of the disfigurement of the collective land ownership system ;

  26. 本文从法律逻辑的角度对集体土地所有权制度存在的问题进行了分析。

    This assay analyzes questions which collective land ownership exists from the legal logic angle .

  27. 我国土地所有权制度对民法典中物权立法的影响

    Our landholding power system to the influence of the property law in the civil code

  28. 浅析建筑物区分所有权制度

    On the Division of Ownership in Buildings

  29. 论集体土地所有权制度的完善

    Perfecting the System of Collective Land Ownership

  30. 集体土地所有权制度,是我国当前物权立法中的难点问题。

    Collective land ownership system is a difficult issue in the current legislation of Property law .