
  • 网络separation of ownership from management;separate ownership rights from management rights;breakaway of proproprietary rights and management rights
  1. 而日本和韩国采用所有权和经营权分离的方式,获得了很好的效果。

    While Japan and South Korea by the separation of ownership and management rights , obtained very good result . 3 .

  2. 然而,自现代企业的所有权和经营权分离以来,学术界和业界都将现代企业激励的重点放在以股权激励为主要方式的物质激励上。

    However , after separated of ownership and control rights , academic and business circles paid more attention to material incentive especially stock-ownership incentive .

  3. 探索旅游景区所有权和经营权分离、体委托开发的招商模式。

    Investment promotion mode characterized by separation of the scenic spots ' ownership and operation right and entirety authorization in development shall be probed .

  4. 随着我国国有上市公司范围和数量的扩大,所有权和经营权分离所引起的公司治理问题日益突出。

    With the enlargement of the range and quantity of listed company in our country , the problem of company governance has become very outstanding .

  5. 由所有权和经营权分离导致的委托代理问题和内部人控制,对高管薪酬和薪酬-绩效的关系具有重要影响。

    The principal-agent problem and internal control caused by the separation of ownership and operation have an important influence on the relationship between executive pay and remuneration-Performance .

  6. 指出了公司治理问题的提出源于契约的不完备性以及现代公司中所有权和经营权分离导致的委托&代理问题。

    IT had pointed out that the question of corporate governance origin in the completeness of enterprise agreement and the entrusting that base separating of ownership and operation .

  7. 正是在所有权和经营权分离的基础上,所有者才会依据产权理论行使剩余索取权,要求企业分红,否则分红问题不会产生。

    It is due to the separation of ownership and management that owners have the rights of residual claims and profitsharing according to the theory of property rights .

  8. 股票期权是现代企业所有权和经营权分离的情况下设计出来解决委托&代理问题的分配制度。

    Executive Stock Options ( ESO ) is a kind of distribution system that Enterprise have been using to solving principal-agent contradiction with the separation of ownership and control .

  9. 管理层收购作为传统意义上所有权和经营权分离的一种反叛,其产生是有其客观原因的,通过实施管理层收购可以有效降低代理成本。

    MBO betrays the traditional trend that management rights are separated from property rights , and has its objective reasons for emergence because MBO can reduce the proxy costs efficiently .

  10. 公司治理是研究现代企业制度下由于所有权和经营权分离及信息不对称而产生的代理问题的科学。

    The corporate governance is a science concerning proxy problem under modern enterprise system , which is caused by the separation of ownership and operation , as well as the information dissymmetry .

  11. 股东出资是公司制度中的一个基本问题,是公司组织结构中所有权和经营权分离的关键。

    Shareholders ' contribution is a fundamental problem in the system of the company , which is the key to the separation of ownership and management rights in the company ' sorganizational structure .

  12. 公司治理的出现是企业制度变革的结果,现代企业制度最本质的特征之一是所有权和经营权分离,两权分离的公司制催生了公司治理。

    The emergence of corporate governance is the result of changes in enterprise system . One of the most essential characteristics of modern enterprise system is the separation of ownership and management rights .

  13. 后者则主张走市场化的道路,将所有权和经营权分离,市场资本介入公共旅游产品的经营。

    While the latter advocated taking the market-oriented road , in other words , it should make ownership and management rights separate , and let market capital intervene into public tourism products management .

  14. 在所有权和经营权分离的情况下,如果股权集中,大股东会侵害小股东的利益;股权分散,股东可能失去控制权。

    In the case of separation of the ownership and management rights , if the equity centralized , the major shareholders against the interests of small shareholders ; If shares Scattered , the shareholders may lose control over it .

  15. 由于所有权和经营权的分离,产生了代理理论,由此,国内外学者也纷纷开始对代理成本进行研究,在这方面最早进行研究的代表是Jensen和Mecking(1976)。

    Because of the separation of proprietary rights from management rights , many scholars has begun to research on agency cost , producing the agency theory . Jensen and Meck-ling ( 1976 ) are the two typical representatives in this area .

  16. REITs是一种产业投资基金的集合投资产品,它具有税收优惠、专业化管理、所有权和经营权相分离、投资门槛低、有限的投资风险、稳定的投资回报等方面的优势。

    REITs is a collection investment products of industrial investment funds . It has the unique advantage in tax incentives , professional management , separation of ownership and management rights , high liquidity , low investment threshold , limited investment risk , stable investment returns .

  17. 现代公司制度下所有权和经营权的分离产生了委托代理理论。

    Separation of ownership and management lead to the principal-agent theory .

  18. 代理问题产生于企业所有权和经营权的分离。

    Agency problems rise in enterprise ownership and the right of management separation .

  19. 在国有企业中,企业所有权和经营权是分离的。

    It is said that business enterprise ownership and management were separated in state-owned enterprises .

  20. 财产的所有权和经营权的分离,产生了受托经济责任。

    The seperation of owner 's rights and management 's rights leads to the economy responsibility .

  21. 财务重述究其原因,是由于在现代公司制企业中,所有权和经营权相分离。

    The basic reason of financial restatement is separation of management and ownership in the modern corporations .

  22. 我国国有资产的授权管理,是对所有权和经营权相分离有效改革途径的尝试和探索。

    Authorized management of state-owned assets in China is an experimental reform of separating ownership from operation power .

  23. 现代公司治理结构的重要特征是所有权和经营权相分离。两权分离带来了长期困扰现代公司的委托代理问题。

    The characteristic of current company governance is the separation of ownership and management That brings out agency problem .

  24. 随着企业所有权和经营权的分离,委托代理理论的相继提出,独立审计应运而生。

    With the seperation of the ownership and operation , based on the principal-agent theory , independent auditing emerged .

  25. 现代企业的公司制度是以所有权和经营权相分离为基础的委托代理制度。

    The corporation system of modern enterprise is the agency-principal system based on the separation between ownership and managing right .

  26. 由于企业所有权和经营权的分离导致了委托代理问题,为了降低代理成本,有效地激励并约束代理人,高管薪酬机制便应运而生。

    Due to the separation of corporate ownership and management , executive compensation mechanisms come into being with the principal-agent problem .

  27. 随着公司所有权和经营权的分离以及经理革命的出现,公司经理在公司经营管理中起着举足轻重的作用。

    With separation of ownership and management , as well as Managerial Revolution , corporate managers play crucial roles in corporate management .

  28. 在所有权和经营权相分离的现代企业制度下,股权激励机制应运而生。

    Because of the separation of the ownership and the operation of the modern enterprise system , the equity incentive comes into being .

  29. 股东知情权的出现及发展是建立在现代公司基于所有权和经营权相分离的基础之上的。

    The appearance and development of such right is based on the separation of ownership from power of management for the modern companies .

  30. 市场经济的发展,财产所有权和经营权的分离,导致了股份公司和审计的出现。

    The development of market economy and the separation of the property ' ownership and management resulted in appearance of stock company and auditing .