
  1. 2001年中国加入WTO以后,中国汽车工业已被迅速地纳入国际分工体系之中,中国境内的汽车零部件企业迎来了新的发展机遇;

    From accessing to the WTO in 2001 , Chinese automobile industry had been brought into the international distribution rapidly . Chinese motor spare parts enterprises meet new development opportunity .

  2. 外包(outsourcing)是跨国公司为了增强核心竞争力而实施全球资源配置的重要战略模式,也是发展中国家介入国际分工体系的一条重要路径。

    Outsourcing is an important strategy mode of global resource collocation implemented by transnational corporations to increase their core competence and an important way for the developing countries to get involved in the international system of labor division .

  3. 当代国际分工体系的缺陷与发展中国家的自我修正

    On Defect of International Division and Countermeasures of Developing Countries

  4. 中国在新型国际分工体系中的地位&基于价值链视角的分析

    China 's Position in the New International Division of Labor-from the Perspective of Value Chain

  5. 产业内国际分工体系深化;

    Furthering international industrial division system ;

  6. 伴随着工业化的高度开放,中国将全方位地参与国际分工体系。

    With highly open of Chinese industry , China will participate in international work - divided system from all fields .

  7. 随着越来越多的国家融入国际分工体系,国际竞争也越来越激烈了。

    As more and more nations merged into the international economic division system , international competition becomes more and more severe .

  8. 以技术创新、技术引进和技术扩散为主要内容的技术进步,以及深刻变革的国内国际分工体系。

    The technological development composed of innovation , introduction and spreading of the technology ; and the dramatically reformed job-division scheme domestic and foreign .

  9. 历史上,由于绝大多数发展中国家和地区在国际分工体系中的从属地位和自身经济发展的滞后,在国际货币体系中居于次要、被动的地位。

    Most LDCs'affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system .

  10. 当今,经济全球化使国际分工体系发生了重大变化,进行海外扩张成为中国立足国际经济环境下的重要手段。

    Nowadays , the system of labor division has changed a lot , overseas expansion become an important way that a country Survive in new international economic environment .

  11. 他从参与国际分工体系、融入国际经济大循环的战略角度论述了中国参与国际经贸与科技合作的必要性。

    From the strategic standpoint , he analyzes the necessity of this cooperation to participate the system of international division and to merge in the circulation of international economy .

  12. 最后,提出了对推进东亚经济一体化的启示和中国在东亚国际分工体系中的地位和政策选择。

    It is concluded by the significance for economic integration in East Asia and China 's position in the International Production and Distribution Networks in East Asia and its policy options .

  13. 随着国际分工体系的不断完善,我国的产品内贸易也在不断扩大,并形成了以制造业为主的加工贸易模式。

    With the global labor specialization system constantly improving , the intra-product trade of our country also has enlarged , and has formed the processing trade model which focused on manufacturing industry .

  14. 随着商品、技术和投资等方面对外开放程度的不断扩大,我国制造业日益融入国际分工体系之中。

    With such constant enlargement of the open degree of the respect as goods , technology and investment , etc. , the manufacturing industry of our country incorporates in the international division system day by day .

  15. 随着经济全球化进程的不断加快,发展中国家企业在国际分工体系中扮演的角色也悄然发生了改变,越来越多的发展中国家制造商被吸纳成为全球生产和供应网络中的一员。

    With the accelerating pace of economic globalization , the role which developing country firms play in international labour division system has been fundamentally changed , more and more developing country firms are incorporated into global production and supply networks .

  16. 日本作为东亚地区唯一完成工业化现代化的国家,在东亚的经济发展与既有东亚国际分工体系中,扮演着十分重要的角色。

    Japan , as the only country in the Eastern Asia who has completed modernization and industrialization has been playing a very important role in the regional economic development and in the existing international division of labor in the region .

  17. 利用工序间比较优势和规模经济,发展中国家企业能够广泛地参与技术含量较高的国际分工体系,从而实现整体经济的结构变迁。

    Making use of compare advantage and scale economy in working procedure , developing country enterprise is able to broadly participate in higher technology International specialization system with higher technology , and the structure changes of overall economy thereby realized .

  18. 但随着国际分工体系的演进,东亚地区产业内分工形式日益兴盛,这使得产业内贸易影响机制成为中国与东亚经济周期协动性领域的重要研究方向。

    However , with the evolution of international division system , the form of intra-industry division in East Asia is increasingly prosperous , making the intra-industry influence mechanism becomes an important research direction in the field of business cycle synchronization between China and East Asia .

  19. 非洲由于在国际分工体系中位居底层、经济发展滞后,以及政治稳定性差等等,难以利用后起优势实现赶超。

    Due to the fact of being at the bottom of international system of labor division , lagging behind in economic development , and political instability , it is rather difficult for Africa to make use of acquired advantages to catch up with and surpass .

  20. 在此基础上,本文运用了大量的统计数据并结合现实资料,分析了我国制造业在全球化新形势下国际分工体系中的定位;

    Based on which , the paper analyzes the position of our country in the international division of labor under the economy globalization , the cause of formation of the Three Centers of Manufacturing , the track of success of newly industrialized countries ' manufacturing .

  21. 在国际分工体系方面,经互会排斥了通过市场和自由竞争实现国际分工的路径,在《社会主义国际分工的基本原则》里规定主要由部门常设委员会实现有计划的国际分工。

    As to the system of international division of labor in CMEA , a document named basic principles of ISDL ( international socialist division of labor ) was promulgated in 1962 . From the document , market and competition were excluded , but planning was advocated .

  22. 对于以生产劳动密集型的低端产品为主导,处于国际垂直分工体系的最低端的原始设备制造商(OEM)而言更是严峻。

    Leading to the production of labor-intensive low-end product , vertical international division system of the low end of the original equipment manufacturer ( OEM ) companies are even more severe .

  23. 国际分工新体系下中国制造业的竞争力

    China 'S Manufacturing Industries under New Worldwide Division Structure

  24. 中国工业高速增长同中国经济的快速对外开放和日益融入国际产业分工体系有着极为密切的关系。

    The soaring growth of Chinese industries could never be separated from China 's fast opening-up to the outside world and its integration into the international division system .

  25. 随着经济全球化的加速发展和全球产业结构调整的不断深化,国际生产分工体系也日趋完善。

    With the accelerated development of economic globalization and the deepening adjustment of global industrial structure , the international division of production system is becoming more and more perfect .

  26. 在经济全球化进程中,资本、资源、技术和劳动力重新组合建立国际劳动分工体系,拥有雄厚资金和发达技术的国家转移国内资本以获得最大收益。

    In the process of economic globalization , the recombination of capital , resources , technology and labor to set up international division of labor system , countries with abundant capital and advanced technology transfer the domestic capital to achieve maximum benefits .

  27. 在这一新的国际分工与贸易体系当中,新兴市场国家扮演了极为重要的角色,并且其外贸易模式发生了质的变革。

    The new emerging countries play a tremendously important role in global tasks trading networks and have transformed their trading patterns inherently .

  28. 西部旅游业是有利于合理配置资源的优势产业,是发展外向型经济、通过服务出口能进入国际产业水平分工体系参与国际竞争的优势产业。

    Tourism in West China is a dominant industry which can help to dispose resources rationally and can enter the division system of international trade level by developing export-oriented economy and service exportation .

  29. 在我国区域经济发展存在巨大差异的背景下,融入由跨国公司主导的国际垂直专业化分工体系对于促进技术转移、提高区域经济总量、扩大就业水平以及促进产业升级等等具有非常重要的意义。

    With the huge differences among the regional economics development in China , and guided by multinational companies , international vertical specialization system has the significance on promoting technology transfer .

  30. 最着世界经济的快速发展以及信息技术的大幅提升,外包产业在世界经济中扮演中越来越重要的角色,崛起为国际贸易的一种新现象,深刻地改变着国际分工体系。

    With the rapid development of the world economy and the information technology , outsourcing industries is playing more and more important role in the world economy and emerges as a growing phenomenon in the international trade , is changing the system of the international division of labour profoundly .